No weights until goal weight?



  • people have different reaction to lifting AND cardio training at the same the time. i tried both for weight lost and i found that cardio is mandatory inorder to lose weight. Right now , i am only doing intreval cardio for an hour everyday with one day rest and it is working for me. during the summer , i started lifting a lot and doing very little cardio and i haven't lost a pound, acually i have gained about 7 pounds. some people would say that it was muscle mass, but i beg to differ since my inches acually increased as well. the other part of it , women usually (i say usually cause not all women are built the same) don't gain a lot of muscle mass in a short period of time, it takes months for women to gain one pound of muscle, therefore, i personally don't believe that muscle mass is gained as fast as people make it to be (even for men, on average , it take a male atleast a year to gain 20 pound of pure muscle). so as in for me, i am doing cardio for the next couple of months until new years, and then ill start adding weight lifting.
    good luck.
  • Yes, that's fine. Preferably before your weight training. Many may disagree but I think for what you are trying to you it will actually work in your benefit. It sounds like you're not trying to build muscle but rather tone and define. Cardio before will leave you with enough fuel to power through your walk/run/bike/elliptical workout and just enough for your weight training. Give that a shot for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.

    Also, how is your sodium intake?
  • Yes, that's fine. Preferably before your weight training. Many may disagree but I think for what you are trying to you it will actually work in your benefit. It sounds like you're not trying to build muscle but rather tone and define. Cardio before will leave you with enough fuel to power through your walk/run/bike/elliptical workout and just enough for your weight training. Give that a shot for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.

    Also, how is your sodium intake?

    I feel like you know me... I am a salt addict. :( But lately not so bad. Actually been really good totals, around 1000mg a day

  • I feel like you know me... I am a salt addict. :( But lately not so bad. Actually been really good totals, around 1000mg a day

    Continue with that intake for a few weeks. Plenty of fluids (preferably water). You should be drenched after your cardio workout (i personally go through two shirts every time I do cardio). You should start seeing your skin get tighter after 2-3 weeks.
  • Will do. Thank you all!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Simply put, food is fuel and muscle burns fat. You need to eat enough to lose weight (this becomes even more true as you approach your goal). Also, muscle helps increase your metabolism is it expends more energy per gram as a gram of fat. Increasing muscle mass will increase caloric needs (means eat more) and overall muscle mass.

    Also, make sure you are lifting heavy enough that your muscles are failing between 12-15. If you can do more than 15 reps, then you aren't lifting enough, just my opinion.