No Strength Training Until Goal Weight?

Is this true? I'm so annoyed by my lack of weight loss that I am beginning to think its true...


  • ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Muscle burns more calories than fat! So even if the scale does not move you change shape and get smaller and eventually the weight comes off too. Scale is nothing but numbers, size and shape are what count. You do not walk around with a scale on your head, nobody knows how much you weight. Weight training is KEY to successful weight loss. Without weight training you could lose WEIGHT (numbers on a scale) and not lose inches.....
  • not only would I recommend strength training if your able to (if not anything extra along with a good diet will help you), I'd suggest it's the best way to not only loose weight but see results. the body adapts quickly to what you do so through strenghth training you can continue to shock it into good results.
    diet is #1 along with lots of water and than I'd suggest training

    I've started getting up at 4am each day (I'll sleep when I'm dead lol) to train and then I walk at night and at this point I'm seeing great results. remember you will only get out of it what you put in.