Anyone in this situation?

A little introduction...
I started using MFP as a means to control my caloric intake and hopefully boost up my workouts as well by holding myself more 'personally accountable'. My goal is to get back to the weight I was when I graduated high school...I used to play sports all 3 seasons and I ice skated everyday. I was in the best shape of my life!

Now I am 23 and about 13 pounds heavier and I am craving a sexy bod lol. I know a lot of people on here are trying to lose more than 10-15 pounds, but I was wondering if there was anyone that was in my same position and just wanted to start eating healthier, working out more, and hopefully start feeling 100% comfortable in their own skin! I am a newly-wed and would love to surprise my husband with a Victoria Secret body when he gets home from the military!

Just wanted to see if there was anyone out there that I could swap motivation with. I am always up for a little friendly competition =)

Thanks all!


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Oh yea same here! Ive got about 8 or so lbs until I am content :]

    Ill swap motivation! haha im a fan of competition as well ^-^
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    That's meee! I am almost to my goal weight, but I'm thinking of reevaluating and trying a lower once I get there. Will have to wait and see.

    Feel free to add me if you like :) I love this site for motivation and keeping myself in-line
  • starwhisperer
    I am totally craving a sexy body too! Oh wait that is not what you meant is it :)
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Add me!

    I gained 10lbs during my last year of school and joined MPF to lose that weight, keep track of what I was eating and eat healthier, and exercise more. I started in May and it's been a big success. I've lost about 5-7lbs, eat way healthier than I did before, and exercise 5-6 days a week. Best shape since I was about 15 and in gymnastics!
  • hamsley
    Hello! I'm also trying to lose 10-15lbs but my mini goal right now is to get down to 130lbs then 125lbs etc etc. Ultimately I'd like to be between 115-120lbs. You can add me also if you like :) the more people to motivate you the better haha :)
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Here too. I am 4'10" and weigh 95.5(as of the other day). I want to look the way I did before I had my girls. The funny thing is that I weighed almost the same(I am probably only 3 lbs over what I used to be) but my body is way different(having two kids and being 37 will do that) I have a lot of fat around my hips and stomach. I just started a weight training routine using The New Rules of Lifting for Women plus doing intervals on the elliptical. I work out at home so that's the only cardio I can do. Everyone I know tells me I am crazy for thinking I am fat but they don't see what I see. Ok, my husband sees it but he thinks I look fine. I have never been happy with the way I look so I am trying hard to be healthier and do something good with my aging body. So while I don't necessarily need to lose weight(online cals have me at 20% body fat) I want to lose the flab and tone up.
  • khollyk
    khollyk Posts: 150 Member
    I'm with ya...going for 15-20 lbs. I'm 24 and also trying to get in shape for my man. We're both in the military. We haven't seen each other since May, and he's coming to visit in November (hopefully moving here next summer) and I want to impress him too. Sending a friend request now! :)
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Me! I only have about 10-15lbs to lose, and I'm just looking to be healthier. My husband is also military and we are both trying to just improve our lifestyle together. Going to the gym and planning dinner has been a great bonding experience for us, and when he does have to go away it's always fun to see how much weight we've lost when he get back. :)
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Haha, we seriously have almost the exact same situation! :P Until a few years ago, I was a year-long athlete in high school and figure skated too (yeaaah, synchro!) :)))

    After losing 10 lbs this summer, I'm now at a comfy-ish weight, but I'd like to lose up to 10-15 as well / just get more fit. Haha, and pls add me. I'm always down for some competitive spirit!
  • meredithashton
    meredithashton Posts: 52 Member

    It's so great to meet other people in the same situation. I love being part of a military family, but the separation is killer! I need something to keep my mind occupied when I am not in school or working...and I decided this new fitness commitment is it! Thanks for the friend requests everyone! I added everyone that asked me =)

    Heading to the gym now! It was great to meet you all...I will probably send everyone some messages when I get back.

  • whateverr120
    Well, I was never my goal weight in HS, im 20 now and i've been in the 130's for as long as I can remember, currently about 135, goal weight is 120. Just like you said I dont want to be on a "diet" I just want to permanently change my eating and work out habits (For as long as I can remember, I ate whatever, whenever, and I didnt excercise, at all). My motivation is also to feel good about myself and to impress my guy (I live with mine, so he will see the change gradually and might not even notice because I plan on doing this slowly,but I think your goal to surprise your husband when he gets back is AWESOME and so cute, that would be such a great motivator for me) I definately think you (and I) can accomplish what we want. your not too far off from your goal (mind you, i feel like losing weight for me is harder than people who are heavier because I'm restricted to only about 1200 calories, and thats hard for me). I'm gonna add you since we have similar goals =)