
I found this site a few months ago and piddled around with it, but didn't keep up with it after a week or so. Realizing that I weigh more now than I did this time last year (after losing 14 lbs last fall and regaining) I MUST get myself in order. I'm ready to truly give this a go. I've looked around the site more recently and love that members are supportive of others they don't know. When immediate family doesn't quite "get it", it's nice to know there are people that do. My biggest challenge is making myself get in walking time when I get home from working full time...when the family is clamoring for dinner, when the kids need homework help, when the dogs just want to play, when the laundry is piled up waiting to be done, when the youth group needs help, when the church needs help with stuff, when I just want to collapse into the comfy chair and veg.....I'm not good at looking out for me and it shows. So now, it has to be about me. I have to carve out the time. I don't need to be a marathon runner or ballerina skinny, but I do need to be healthy. That's my ultimate goal.