Should I stop eating at a certain time even if I'm wihin my

I've always heard that you should not eat after a certain time in the evening, but if I'm within my calorie count would having a snack in the evening be wrong?
On certain evenings, I have a work out class after work and may not be able to eat until around 8pm. Part of my meal may include about 1/2 cup of ice cream, which again is within my calorie count., but I feel like I'm working against my workout by eating too late.
I'm a little confused, any opinions?


  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Your metabolism doesn't magically stop at 5pm or 7pm or whatever other time someone says you should stop eating. It's true that most poeple's metabolism may slow down a bit due to inactivity, but it won't stop. And when you work out, it increases your metabolism, and you NEED to eat after working out, or your body will attack your own muscles to replace the protein it needs, so not eating after a work out is actually counter productive to your health.

    It's 10pm here, and I just finished my healthy brownie and 1/2 cup of ice cream. I'm over my goal calorie burn, and I was (still am) under my calorie goal for the I enjoyed my treat guilt free.

    If you're hungry, then you should eat. Just make healthy choices, aside from that occasional treat.

    I have lost 21 pounds in about 2 months, and I typically eat a snack between 9 and 10 pm.

    Do what feels right to YOU. And if it's working for YOU, then don't worry about what other people's opinions are.

    Again, I feel the need to re-iterate, that eating after a work out is so very important. And it'll speed up your metabolism anway, so the "don't eat after 7pm" really shouldn't apply to you due to your circumstances.

    Hope that helps!
    God bless!
  • t_windom
    t_windom Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for that Michelle! With that I click spoons with you because I also just enjoyed my 1/2 cup of Butter Pecan ice cream :happy: . This is why I believe I will love this site because it teaches you discipline without going to the extreme.
    I want to give you a congrats on your weight loss and can't wait to be able to type the same thing in 2months.

    Thanks for your advice and continued Good Luck on your weight loss.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    You are so very welcome. I love to help and support others. And it's great that support around here is a two way street. Ya know? I have found so much support here, it's awesome!!! I'm going to send you a friend request :)

    God bless!
  • arispawild
    I've always heard that you should not eat after a certain time in the evening, but if I'm within my calorie count would having a snack in the evening be wrong?
    On certain evenings, I have a work out class after work and may not be able to eat until around 8pm. Part of my meal may include about 1/2 cup of ice cream, which again is within my calorie count., but I feel like I'm working against my workout by eating too late.
    I'm a little confused, any opinions?
    I eat most of my calories post dinner. Haha. I sure have been fine.
    Your body doesn't have a clock on it's processes.