p90x help



  • vaston
    vaston Posts: 38 Member
    HRM's are a great tool for getting your calorie burn. However they really only work if you are doing cardio.

    I 100% disagree!

    HRMs don't only work if you are doing cardio, they work for all types of activities. Based on your thought, you only burn calories doing cardio. You burn calories 24hrs a day. Even with strength training, you can burn many calories. And knowing the number of calories you burn during ALL kinds of exercises is a great tool to track your progress in weight loss. Knowing how many calories you take in and how many calories you burn throughout the day, you can estimate at the end of the week how many lbs you should have lost. And if you are not near that number then you can take a look at your nutrition to see where you went wrong and adjust accordingly.

    What the hell are you blabbing about... When did I ever say you only burn calories during cardio? I am saying it's pointless to wear them during lifting exercises. Your heart rate isn't going to be nearly as high as when doing cardio. Which is probably why I have never seen anyone wearing one during weight training! And while I do think they can be useful tool, they aren't necessary.

    Like I said above.. people look into the numbers on this site way to much. HRM are not going to be spot on 100%. Your calorie intake is not going to be 100% spot on. Just do your workouts and eat right. You can and will get results!

    I always wear my HR monitor (Polar FT7) during lifting. The P90X lifting days are intense enough to keep your HR above 100 easy, unless you sit around between the exercises. Since 100 is the top of the normal HR range (60-100), I consider that calorie burning. I also push myself harder during lifting to keep my HR up. True, there is no way to accurately determine calorie burn from lifting, but I CAN determine minimum calorie burn from my HR. The benefit is this: If my HR monitor tells me I burned 350 kcal and my average HR was 115, I know I burned at least that much. I therefore have probably underestimated my true calorie burn, but I still account for what I can see. Nothing you say can discount the fact that I burned at least that much when maintaining an elevated HR.

    Just an FYI: Many people in this world consider the word "hell" used in your context as a cuss/curse. Just a heads up.

    To the OP: Wear your HR monitor during all of your workouts. It will give you a good general idea of what you have accomplished. Most days the P90X plyo burns around 650-750 kcal for me, but this week I burned 900. Guess I pushed a little harder that day.

    " True, there is no way to accurately determine calorie burn from lifting "

    And that was my point. Sure you can use a HRM during lifting. But it's not going to give you a spot on calorie burn. Which is why in my first post I said " However they really only work if you are doing cardio. " It will give you a general idea. But that is it. Which also why I say people put too much stress on their numbers. But thanks for the info :smile:

    My workout today is a perfect example of what I'm talking about:
    P90X Legs and Back = Lifting day
    Duration: 60 min
    Minimum HR: 115
    Max HR: 158
    Avg HR: 128
    Total Calorie burn: 500 kcal

    So please, explain to me how this is NOT legit calorie burn?