I wonder if its the dieting, not sleeping (due to cot training baby) or being sick with the flu that's causing me to lose my sanity! I'm getting angry at everyone and everything! Has anyone else experienced this irritability?

I have been on a 1220 cal lifestyle change for two months, (which is working well) I have a six month old bub that I am weaning from the boob and introducing sleeping in his cot to, he currently wakes 5x a night but goes straight back to sleep with a bottle. I have had the flu for two days.

I am a nice person (I pride myself on this) but over the last few days I am begrudging helping others and feeling unappreciated and taken for granted. I am losing it at my elder daughters for making a mess, arguing with each other and with me.

Generally I'm feeling like I'm not coping and turning into a horrible person.

Has anyone else experienced emotional changes from dieting?


  • starwhisperer
    Sounds like you are just tired to me. New babies will do that to a girl. I wouldn't be too worried, it will probably go away on its own. If you feel that it is serious go talk to your doctor.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I have found that low carbs can create a depressed state of mind.
  • PBJunkie
    I have found that low carbs can create a depressed state of mind.

    Second this
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Oh, God love 'ya. I can relate. Although it's been many years, my son didn't sleep longer than 2 hours at any stretch for the first 4 months of his life. And after his little midnight escapade, he wouldn't go back in his crib. I laid on the couch with him on my chest until morning. It was a l-o-n-g road, but we got through. Is there anyone who can come to your home for even one night (since you're no longer breast feeding - or limiting it) so you can get one night of sleep? That will do wonders for your sanity. That would be my suggestion. Just one night.
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    it sounds like me for one week of the month!!! but yes the low carbs thing is true.
  • megsie25
    I had heard of this and I had cut out all complex carbs so I introduced two slices of Burgen bread a day to my diary to see if it helped but after three days I'm just feeling worse. Thank you for the post though :) Could it be low sugar do you think? I used to have quite a sweet tooth, two sugars in each of my five cups of coffee, chocolate ect ect... Maybe withdraws?? Lol
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Anyone one of those would make me nasty.

    I'm a B**** when I'm tired... or sick... or hungry...
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Dieting can do that to you, but I'm going to guess that it has more to do with sleep training your baby... (I'm not a parent, but I remember when my niece was being sleep trained - it will be worth it!!)
  • megsie25
    Thank you everyone for your tips and support, it is so helpful to know that I'm valid and nit entirely losing it :) Thank you for the supports! Any friend requests welcome or any more advice :)
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    Have you checked into postpartum depression?
  • megsie25
    I have a roommate that does help a fair bit but I hate asking because they are not his kids and not his responsibility and he works full time. My partner is incarcerated for another 16 months :(
  • plainjoe81
    plainjoe81 Posts: 53 Member
    Once you get some sleep I suspect you'll feel much better. Ask for a little help.
  • jminette
    I think you're just exhausted. A good night's sleep would probably help you a lot. I know you probably can't do that at this point, but maybe at least get someone to watch the baby so you can have a decent nap.
    I hope you feel better!
  • Caz2678
    I have a 4 month old baby and i am exactly the same! I think its a combination of exhaustion, stress and dieting! I can get ratty with my older girls too, but i don't think my hormones help either! Up and down all the time!

    I know it can take a while to feel normal again after having a baby!

    Try to get some rest or someone to babysit for a few hours to give you a break! That works wonders for me.

  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Why don't you give your self and your daughter a break and drop your weight loss goal to 1/2 , just for a week or 2, bear in mind 1200 is for a small sedentry woman... and that does not sound like you
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Also keep in mind when you are nursing you are supposed to add 400-600 additional calories. If you aren't, you could be malnursihed which is leading to your irretability. Also, keep in low fat diets can do that as well. I would suggest hiring a babysitter one day and going to a hotel for a good sleep.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Being tired and hungry will make most people grumpy.

    Hope you don't mind me saying you're on a very low calorie intake for someone that is breastfeeding. Calories burnt just on breastfeeding daily can range from 200-500.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Lack of sleep can be horrible. I know the doctors want babies to only get bottle or breast for 6months but I started adding a small amount of rice cereal to the late night bottle when my daughter was a couple months old. Sometimes you need to stretch the nipple opening a little. She was also on on baby foods by the time she was 6 months old. She is healthy and well balanced at 34 :). Seeing as how we have more obese people than ever I don't think sticking to just milk (either source) for 6-12 month is working for our babies.

    Good for you for getting the babe to his own bed as well. This business of keeping the bed in with the parents forever is not good for the parents or the babies, they tend to not develop self as soon as babies that are more independent. It's the same as parent that have to play with the child constantly, never allow the child to develop their own imaginations....
  • megsie25
    Thank you for the responses :) I do calculate for Braven breastfeeding but only 130cal a day as he uses me as more of a dummy/comfort thing that actually a feed. I don't think I have post natal depression I think I maybe just expect too much. I expect the house to stay clean once I've cleaned it (and with a 10, 6 and 6 month old and the grubbiest room mate ever maybe its a little unreasonable), I expect the girls to show respect and not argue with me (even though I know I did "explain" myself as a kid), I expect the girls not to argue with each other 24/7 and I expect bub to let me put him down every now and then and leave the room without him screaming oh and to sleep for more than two hours at a time. (I'm sure bub will get better with age and once he is used to his new routine). I also expect to be losing weight at a unrealistic rate, I'm pretty happy so far, I have lost 17pounds in 8 weeks but that can't continue forever. I've set my diary as light exercise because besides cleaning up the house, cooking dinner, 10mins on the treadmill, 10mins on the vibration machine my days consist of sitting doing homework with the girls, laying down breastfeeding or sitting on the floor playing with toys.

    I think I may have just got to the point where everything is getting on top of me. I have asked a friend to watch bub for a night on the weekend and I fully intend to have a 12 hour sleep!
  • KindleBlossom
    I second the comment on needing to add additional calories while breastfeeding. With baby still dependent on you for most of his/ her nutrition, it can take a real toll on your body and your energy reserves. Another thing to consider is the fact that your hormones likely haven't normalized to pre- pregnancy levels (it can take up to a year to return to what's normal for you). This can mean post- partum depression (which isn't always about being sad, but sometimes grumpy or extra sensitive), but for many women its just that perfect storm of hormones, lack of sleep, and recovering from the extreme physical demands just made on you during pregnancy. Be gentle with yourself, because you're lovely as you are. :) If it takes a little longer to lose whatever baby weight, that's ok, because you're looking out for your health first, and that's a wonderful thing! Hang in there, we're all here for you.