My kitchen is for show only

Hi I’m Taya

I have a silly busy life at work and so I live on take aways and fast food. I try to diet when I can and I’m normally successful for about a fortnight before it all gets too much to manage and I fall apart again and I find myself asking the question Pizza, kebab or curry?

I need some online friends to keep me going past two weeks this time. I did lose 2 stone with rosemary Connolly a couple of years ago but I have put most of it back on. I think it worked because I was going to classes but now I work shifts so I can’t go every week.



  • Splasheh
    Splasheh Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I’m Taya

    I have a silly busy life at work and so I live on take aways and fast food. I try to diet when I can and I’m normally successful for about a fortnight before it all gets too much to manage and I fall apart again and I find myself asking the question Pizza, kebab or curry?

    I need some online friends to keep me going past two weeks this time. I did lose 2 stone with rosemary Connolly a couple of years ago but I have put most of it back on. I think it worked because I was going to classes but now I work shifts so I can’t go every week.


    "I have a silly busy life at work and so I live on take aways and fast food." it's actually really easy to make up sandwiches/salads/dinners for coming home to so I'm a bit confused about this being mentioned.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I really recommend making pre-made meals in large batches, ie salads, stews, etc. Keep them in tupperware in the fridge and you will always have an easy, healthy meal. Or even the night before, you can make yourself something a bit fresher like a chicken wrap =] Whenever you find you have free time, think about if there are meals you could make for tomorrow!
  • TayaHornsby
    TayaHornsby Posts: 4 Member
    I work an hour away from home and i work 14 hours a day most days. I try to do the whole batch cooking thing but you need time to do it in the forst place. I buy shopping for salads and they go off before i get a chance to eat them. I manage to keep on top of it for two weeks and then i get too tired. Take 16 hours out of your days for work, then try to fit housework, cooking, garden, fitness and sleep into the other 8.

    Im not saying its not possible, i just need some positive friends to help me keep going past two weeks.
  • slp2112
    slp2112 Posts: 107
    Yeah, it's good to cook multiple portions whenever you do cook (say on the weekends when you have a bit more time). That way, you can work through the leftovers throughout the week. Sometimes I'll do things like cook a ton of whole wheat pasta and then buy little add-ins here and there - some chicken breast, veggies, sauce, etc. So you can have slightly different dishes.

    It's also always helpful to have meals that can be put together in under 15 minutes for those nights when you're really hungry but aren't motivated to cook a whole lot. Salads with things like cucumber, tomatoes, egg, chicken breast, etc. are yummy. Also, I particularly like breakfast for dinner (lots of yogurt, fruit and cereal in a bowl). Also, pancakes are something you can make in large batches and store. I like these because they're really high in protein.

    Also, keep things like frozen veggies around because they are quickly and easily prepared. And frozen dinners can be ok too, but watch out for the salt!
  • bflicker11
    You may want to use a crock pot also. It's so easy and there are some really great recipes on the message board. You throw things in there before you leave for work (or go to bed/shift work) and when you're ready to eat, all done!!!
  • missraven69
    I understand when i worked it was just to easy to get drive thru food and usually didn't get to eat until 2 0r 3 pm, so didn't eat supper or would snack about 7-8 pm. even after I was no longer working it was still easier to grab a sandwich or chip, etc. I finally had to buckle down and make my mind up that I am going to do this. My husband eats something totally different than me. Why because he is a picky eater and will only eat certain things, thing that are fattening for me. since starting using this site I have lost 20 lbs. still have 60 plus to go and honestly I have eaten a candy bar or a hamburger and fries but I log them in and subtract them from my calories for the day and if it runs me out of calories I just don't eat anymore for the day or I will eat a bowl of pickles which are calorie free.

    I have been heavy my entire life so I understand. Good luck and you can do it. :smile:
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    do you have any days off work? batch cook that day.. or buy healthy frozen dinners. Then add fruits, veggies, yogurts, nuts etc. that way before work all you have to do is pack it all in a bag and go!

    you can add me if you like and check out my diary if it helps you.