
Hi i'm new to this site but not new to trying to lose weight unfortunately , I am hoping that having a food tracker and exercise tracker I will stay on the wagon and change my lifestyle rather than trying to starve myself to lose the weight .


  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Welcome, and if you ned help and/or advice, feel free to befriend me
  • afigueroa_pr
    Welcome to fitness pal.
    Feel free to add me and help each other keep track of our goals!
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello there!
    You said it - tracking your food and exercise is what you need to do to keep you on the wagon and working towards your goal.
    You WILL do this and you will do it the healthy way.
    Starving yourself doesn't work (as you probably figured out) and does more harm than good.
    Plus....I LOVE to eat. The idea of restricting my ability to do so is not appealing. Learning about portion control and moderation is what works and keeps me on track.
    You will see that you WILL change your lifestyle and you can be happy too.
    It's great to meet you!
  • Sweetxoxcheeks
    Thankyou for your words of support :)