


  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    Zumba can burn some serious calories!!

    I've tried it twice (both free sessions). Once was baaaad - the instructor was kind of pushy and I was really uncomfortable. The other time was AWESOME! Our local college tried to break the "Zumba World Record- Largest Zumba Class" and there were over 1000 people there, lots of them completely uncoordinated. I couldn't always see the instructor, so there was some improve involved but as the end I burned at least 500 calories in an hour. Another friend used a HRM and tracked her calories at almost 800!!

    If you have any local gyms that offer free week memberships, use it to try a class then! If you love it, you might invest in a membership, or set a few $ aside each week to pay for a single visit. My gym is $6 per visit, which is as much as a trip to Starbucks so I always tell myself it's worth the money!

    I want to try a dvd too, I think I would be more comfortable rocking out in privacy too!
  • isapedeve
    I really love Zumba. You work hard, have fun, improve your dancing skills and burn a lot of calories. I tried different DVD's and the box set Zumba 2011 Exhilarate seems the best so far, because has different levels and classes. There´s one DVD (which I personally haven't done yet) that lasts a bit more of an hour and teaches you move by move from many different rythms used in the routines.
    There's also this DVD "Rush" that lasts only 20 mins, for that days when you don´t have so much time and want to do something quick.
    I would definitely go for the DVD's: I took once this class on a gym from Barcelona and felt really dissapointed (lack of rythm and attitude from the trainer), but when I saw the trailer from the DVD's decided to give it a try again. That's when I got so engaged. Besides, you don't have to feel the pressure of feeling observated during class, hehe...
    Good luck and please update if it worked for you:)
  • pikabeck
    Having a young child and a husband that rarely works anywhere near home, I seldom have the opportunity to go to classes.

    I have Wii Zumba Fitness - it is amazing! The workout I do is only 20 minutes (I do beginner class 2) and it is very energetic. It works all your body, so a great overall workout. I use wrist weight too for added resistance, but just 1lb each wrist (just bought some 1.5 lb ones too to really try and burn more!)

    It is definately worth investing in - you really work up a sweat and it's such good fun, you don't feel like you are doing a laborius exercising chore!

    I also finish off with the 10 Minute Solutions Pilates - I usually do 1-3 segments to tone up too.

    I bought both from Amazon - the prices are really good.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hi I have done Zumba Exercise what would you put for a 1 hr class? calorie loss................... love the music :-)

    I log mine as aerobic - high impact, which I think is pretty close since I lost at the rate MFP said I should.
  • ebonyuk72
    WOW didnt expect this many replies!! Thank you so much!!:love:

    I think I'll invest in the wii game and give that a go first, it sounds as though it'll help, not sure how my puppy is going to react to me dancing around the room so that'll be fun if nothing else:laugh:
    I may also invest in a dvd or two as well so I've got a bit of a change around with them all.

    Thank you all again:love: