


  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    Ok so if I do c25k, how do you log those minutes?
    I just add up the time jogging and log that, add up the time walking and log that.
    I just started week 7 of C25k and lot 10 minutes walking (warm up and cool down) and 25 minutes jogging at 4.5mph.
  • belindawilli
    belindawilli Posts: 97 Member
    I too said I would never run, but at the good young age of 56, I have now ran in 2 5Ks and still can't say I love it, but can say I love the challenge of beating my own time. I was competive in school and played all sports that were available(basketball was my favorite)., We only played half court. at the time but after graduation I played on an Independent team and played full court. I have always loved to walk and work in my yard and those both are great workouts. Working in your yard really burns calories and you can work about every muscle you have!!! Run(jog) only if you want to and my is really only a little better than a brisk pace, but I've challenged myself to do a 10k and on up to a marathon before I reach the young age of 60!!! Want ever be fast, but still I will get out there and give it my best!!!! As I know you do with everything you do....... good luck on whatever you chose!!!!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Dance. :) It works up my heart rate just as much as running, it's way more fun and I sweat like a hog when I do it.

    I try to dance for 30 minutes at least twice a week but sometimes I try for more. It's great stuff! Try it! (even if you don't know 'how' to dance, just move your body to the music - and close the blinds. If no one can see they can't care. ;) .

    My roommate lost 30+lbs using the elliptical and walking only, as an aside.