You want another what? (TMI)

So now that I finally have my body back after having 2 children in the last 2 years I am so happy. Hubby keeps pressuring me for another baby. WTH? Really? After I just lost weight and finally my stretch marks have lightenend up you want me to balloon back up again? He has been packing up all our baby stuff and I keep suggesting we give it away. He really doesn't want to accept that I am done having children. My 1 year old still isn't sleeping throught the night and my older one is hitting the terrible two's. I think I may pull out some old photos of me pregnant to see if that changes his mind. I have even thought about pulling out those good ol' hospital mesh panties you get after having a baby. I have a new pair I never used. Maybe I'll put those babies on and see how he feels about another baby. Any advice for me on how to convince him otherwise?


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    No advice! We don't want more babies for a long time! We only have one 20 month old and I don't see any in the near future. It's your body, I think you should have a say in this. It's not like he can force you to have more children?
  • kportelli70
    That's something you two need to agree upon. I have 5 so hubby and I are definitely done! We were actually done after 4 but those shots at the bar were sooooo good. LOL
  • kfitz10103
    No advice! We don't want more babies for a long time! We only have one 20 month old and I don't see any in the near future. It's your body, I think you should have a say in this. It's not like he can force you to have more children?

    No, he can't force me, but I want to convince him its the wrong decision - not just put my foot down and say, "No!" If only men could experience pregnancy to see how trying it is on a woman's body.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    LOL - Love the mesh panties idea!!

    Snip Snip time for hubby! LOL
  • kfitz10103
    That's something you two need to agree upon. I have 5 so hubby and I are definitely done! We were actually done after 4 but those shots at the bar were sooooo good. LOL

    So funny about #5.
    We found out we were pregnant with #2 at our fertility appointment to go back on fertility drugs. Our oldest was only 3 1/2 months old!
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I have the opposite problem, now i am getting my old body back and getting healthier i would love another baby, but my hubby isnt keen at all.

    I think you just need to sit down and tell him why you dont want anither baby, you never know your 2 are very young still you might change your mind in a few years time anyway. Good luck
  • CrimsonHellkite
    maybe just talk to him and explian why you dont want more?
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    Is he getting up at night w/ the one yr old and chasing after the two year old? If he's not then maybe that's what he needs to get a reality check about having yet another one lol.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Tell him if he wants another one he can have it. Ever seen Jr? lol


    Otherwise I'm with Kiesh82, is he helping out with the first 2 as much as he should be?
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    Is he getting up at night w/ the one yr old and chasing after the two year old? If he's not then maybe that's what he needs to get a reality check about having yet another one lol.

    ^^^ this! I DO want another one, but my son is only 2 1/2 and he is so much work already so we're going to hold off. My luck I will get to my goal weight and then get pregnant. Well at least I will know how to keep my body and shape and not eat like a garbage disposal!!! Congrats on your weight loss!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Tell him it's your body and you're done being a baby factory (I don't really think of pregnancy that way, but I probably would if I'd had two in two years and he wanted a third already!).

    Seriously, just say NO and tell him he needs to respect the mother of the children he has.
  • kfitz10103
    He works evenings so he doesn't spend much time with the children, but he does that to make enough money so they can go to a great Christian school. He was off work for almost five months and was a stay-at-home dad to both of them up until about 3 months ago so he knows how much work they are.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Wasn't this an Everybody Loves Raymond episode?

    Seriously, for a couple to have a child, BOTH have to 100% want a child. Or should, anyway.
  • kfitz10103
    So the irony is that I pressured him for years to have a baby. We talked before we were married and were going to start trying after a year. Four years later I had given up pressuring him and decided I would stay married to him despite the fact we would never have children. Out of nowhere he decided he wanted to have a child and it took us 7 rounds of fertility treatments to finally get pregnant. We were both so happy we started trying again and got pregnant within 4 months of having our first. So I know too well that it takes two yes's to have a baby - its just we are on different sides now.
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    My hubby got really upset at the negative pregnancy test I had a couple weeks ago (were not trying!!!) and I told him we could try when I got to my goal weight. But I'm still unsure if I want another. I think the true reason my hubby wants another is because he was in Iraq for my entire pregnancy and came home when our daughter was 6 months old.( She's 2.5 now) He missed EVERYTHING and I think he finally wants to experience it. I, on the other hand, am unsure if I want to experience it again. Do you guys have a lot of family and friends having babies right now?? Sometimes that makes me want a baby REALLY bad until I get home and my house is quiet and then fall asleep and sleep through the night. Sleep is a precious thing!!!
  • MonicaNE
    MonicaNE Posts: 1 Member
    my kids are 7 & 11 and my husband has baby fever too. but I've explained that I want to be able to do vacations & sports with the kids and NOT have to sit out/on the side to care for a new baby. I did cave on getting a 2nd dog. our first dog is a little terrier- this new one is a 9 mo old lab puppy and lots of work-more then a baby I think!! at least babys don't chew EVERYTHING! and I am the one to work the dog even though he said he would run her everyday, so whenever I really don't want to deal with the dog I tell him to go take care of his newest baby-he doesn't have much to say to that!
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    So now that I finally have my body back after having 2 children in the last 2 years I am so happy. Hubby keeps pressuring me for another baby. WTH? Really? After I just lost weight and finally my stretch marks have lightenend up you want me to balloon back up again? He has been packing up all our baby stuff and I keep suggesting we give it away. He really doesn't want to accept that I am done having children. My 1 year old still isn't sleeping throught the night and my older one is hitting the terrible two's. I think I may pull out some old photos of me pregnant to see if that changes his mind. I have even thought about pulling out those good ol' hospital mesh panties you get after having a baby. I have a new pair I never used. Maybe I'll put those babies on and see how he feels about another baby. Any advice for me on how to convince him otherwise?

    Here's what you do. You secretly take birth control, and bang every night. That way it looks like you're trying, but you're not :) Yeah, that's bad advice, I know.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So the irony is that I pressured him for years to have a baby. We talked before we were married and were going to start trying after a year. Four years later I had given up pressuring him and decided I would stay married to him despite the fact we would never have children. Out of nowhere he decided he wanted to have a child and it took us 7 rounds of fertility treatments to finally get pregnant. We were both so happy we started trying again and got pregnant within 4 months of having our first. So I know too well that it takes two yes's to have a baby - its just we are on different sides now.

    Remind him that you were willing to give up having even one child out of respect and love for him, and you deserve the same. You have two already. It's not like you're saying no children. Just no more (at least right now).
  • kfitz10103
    My hubby got really upset at the negative pregnancy test I had a couple weeks ago (were not trying!!!) and I told him we could try when I got to my goal weight. But I'm still unsure if I want another. I think the true reason my hubby wants another is because he was in Iraq for my entire pregnancy and came home when our daughter was 6 months old.( She's 2.5 now) He missed EVERYTHING and I think he finally wants to experience it. I, on the other hand, am unsure if I want to experience it again. Do you guys have a lot of family and friends having babies right now?? Sometimes that makes me want a baby REALLY bad until I get home and my house is quiet and then fall asleep and sleep through the night. Sleep is a precious thing!!!

    No one is having babies now. I think he misses the infant stage maybe? He has very high energy and always needs to have something to move towards. I think he feels like he feels like "What's next?". We graduated from college, got married, bought a house, had children and now what? My thoughts are we enjoy life. He has trouble just sitting still and enjoying the moment
  • meg_sue
    meg_sue Posts: 9 Member
    The mesh panties along with some kind of forecast budget for raising the 2 you already have.