last 10 lbs are the hardest!

Hi, My name is Annemarie, my daughter is almost 1 year old and i thought id have all the extra weight off by this point! but its been way harder than i thought. These last 10 pounds are going so slow, i need some friends and motivation, ADD ME! :D


  • leeka77
    leeka77 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I just started my post baby weight daughter is 4 months old next week...This site is really good...The tools are great..
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Congrats on the new baby and getting so close to your pre prenancy weight. Just make sure you do it sensibly. When you are that close to your goal, there is less room for error. Make sure you are accurate in counting calories. You bite it you write (log) it. Set your goals to no more than 1/2 lb a week and take measurements. Your body may have a lot of reshaping that it did and/or needs to do.

    Best wishes
  • liveletl0ve
    congrats! on my journey ive found that cardio rly eliminates fat, also i do hip hop ab videos online, they are great for shaping the stomach!
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    Hey, maybe it is the HARDEST to lose... but consider how much easier ALL of the other components of health, diet and fitness are now!
  • Pancake86
    Soooo true im also on the 10lbs losing trip, it seems so hard much harder then when i had to drop stones!! Good luck :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    With only 10 lbs to go you should not expect, or set your goal, to lose more than 0.5lbs/week. If your goal is for more than that I would suggest changing asap and enjoy the extra calories.
  • Joannguido
    Hi Annemarie, My name is Joann and I am in the same boat as you. I hate those last 10 pounds. I have tried everything but it does not help. Mine however is not from childbirth, it is menopause. I am finding that keeping track online with the program and actually seeing what I eat is helping the best. The diet pills don't work, starving myself does not work, by doing that you are actually taking away from your muscle. As an ex trainer for a womens circuit I know all this, but I did get stupid and try it. I can only tell you not to give up, drink a glass of water before each meal and get some sort of exercise in each day, walk the baby, dance with the baby, whatever. Most important, and take it from a mother of 4, make time for you. As far as losing slowly, thats what you want. The slow weight drop stays off, these quickie weight loss programs are just that and they come back as quick as you lost them. Hang in there and know that I along with the others are there for you. Good Luck