How to find my motivation?

How do people find their motivation to get up and do what needs to be done? I know I have to loose weight, however I always seems to find excuses. Tired, to much to do.. etc. Maybe just talking about it will help. Seems like I have a giant sized bag of lazy stuck to my behind and cannot seem to get it off.


  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    your body will resist change. your body wants to stay in bed longer, and eat more, and watch more tv. don't let it.

    i can be a little competitive, so i see something like this as a challenge i need to win. i know i will stumble along the way, and i learn from my mistakes, i do not dwell on them. i'm hard on myself,because i know i can do better.

    jealousy fuels me too. i'm jealous of triathletes, of the perfect bodies i see on others. i want that, and there is nothing stopping me in my goal except myself.
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    im going through the same thing :(
  • marthamae813
    marthamae813 Posts: 70 Member
    Im dealing with this too. After some time off for a friends wedding, ive lost the motivation I had and have nearly gained back all the weight I lost.
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    If you find yours, maybe you can help me find mine! I know that in order to loose it I need to use it, but I cannot seem to find the motivation to actually do it.. This time around I am starting out with changing my eating habits, and when I start to see results from that I'm hoping it will motivate me to start working out more.
  • i can be a little competitive, so i see something like this as a challenge i need to win.

    My sister has transformed her body and is competing in triathalons now--while i packed on 30 pounds. I'm the one who got her running in the first place. She's going down.
  • beachgirl10
    beachgirl10 Posts: 54 Member
    Give yourself some small REALISTIC daily goal, do something you enjoyed. Remember, It is a challenge for everyone. It's how mentally strong you are and what you are welling to do. I wish I could train in the morning, but I am not a morning person. No point to force myself.. however After work it's perfect for me to train, so I make sure that I make time for it. I also found friends here that keeps me motivated, so even if I don't do good for a few days, I look at their profile and I want to jump right back to it. I've realized that the only person who is stopping me from being who I want, is me....
  • MThurs
    MThurs Posts: 42 Member
    I approach a lack of motivation in my life in one of two ways - one is to focus on WHY I need to eat right and get more exercise. The othe thing I will do is MAKE myself do it - I do it lazily, sluggishly, regrettingly, resentfully - but what I notice is somewhere during my workout the endorphins kick in and I FINISH a lot better than how I STARTED.

    There are days that as a runner I get home and state, "I ran 6 miles today and HATED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM" - but they are still done.

    I've heard it said this way, "Right feelings FOLLOW right actions" - I wish it was the other way around but there are just times that the feelings FOLLOW the actions!

    Good Luck to ya!!
  • routine is important. Right now you are in the routine of NOT working out. Just make yourself do it. Schedule it into your day and stick to it. Build up if you need to. What will end up happening is that you will miss it when you have to SKIP! It takes time to build routine into habit. Just keep at it.
  • I honestly have the same problem! I am young and as much I want my pre mommy body back. I cannot find the motivation to do it. I have lost 10 pounds but miserably. I think that having someone who relates to you and would work out with you would motivate you. It's so boring lifting weights, running and exercising by yourself. I do like group fitness classes although sometimes my insecurities will take over. Im 23 and hate when I see 70 year old woman ahead of me. I have became way more active and a lot less depressed when I am motivated to work out and feel so good afterwards. I honestly use my 2 and 3 year old as an excuse. I work with behavioral kids all day then come home to TERRIBLE TWO'S... Sometimes if you cannot get the motivation to workout just watch your calories .. If you intake only 1200 calories max you will loose 2 pounds a week and thats without working out. Weight loss takes time and patience. Goodluck! :happy:
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    How do people find their motivation to get up and do what needs to be done? I know I have to loose weight, however I always seems to find excuses. Tired, to much to do.. etc. Maybe just talking about it will help. Seems like I have a giant sized bag of lazy stuck to my behind and cannot seem to get it off.

    your reasons for wanting to live a healthier lifestyle and lose weight aren't compelling enough right now. When they become compelling enough, you will find it easier to avoid the excuses. I know this from personal experience. I think we all know this as most folks don't just get up and say "sweet, another day I can gain weight". The problem is that we don't take time to form compelling enough reasons/motivations/inspirations to get our mindset wrapped around the benefits of a healthier lifestyle....enough so to make a long term commitment to it.

    think about all of the reasons you want to live a healthier life. write them down. be brutally honest. write down that you no longer want to be a lazy person who makes excuses that lead to weight gain. review your notes often. add to them as you think of additional things.
  • When people try to change any old habbit its very hard. I loss motivation ALL the time. But here are a few thing I do to help. I put up sticky notes all over my room, to remind me what I want to get done. For example I have one that says my weight loss goal, then another that says Vagus in a month. Taking a picture of yourself, and really being honest with how you look helps a lot too. Find little things you wanna change. Also if you have a hard time geting to the gym find a gym buddy or do workout classes. Another thing that helps is to put you running shoes next to your TV it reminds you to workout insted of watching TV.

    Hope this helps.