Help! Bored with carrots and celery



  • For something different with veggies...brush on some olive oil, spice 'em up and toss them on the grill. Eggplant, asparagus, peppers, zucchini, onions etc. Yummers!!
  • Carrots, Celery, Peppers (all colors), sweet peas, cucumbers, tomatos (all colors and sizes), jicama and radishes are usual eat raw stand bys. Now that the weather is turning a bit cooler (at least here in Minnesota), this allows for all kinds of cooked veggies. Soups, baked regular potatoes and sweet potatoes, beets, baked squash, and casseroles. Now is the time that I am able to sneak more veggies into the family meals by adding them to anything baked or cooked.

    I eat my raw veggies with low fat cottage cheese, low fat cheese, (feta - YUM!) and I haven't tried with plain yogurt - working my way up to eating that. My greek friends like greek yogurt, mixed with minced garlic and chopped cucumber for a refreshing summer dip.
  • Thanks everyone for the great suggestions! My shopping basket will have quite a few new things in it on my next grocery store trip!
  • Lizzgeorge77
    Lizzgeorge77 Posts: 52 Member
    I always buy a package of spinach (or kale) for the week and find a way to eat it by sticking some leaves in sandwiches, wraps, or as a side salad with a wedge of tomato and a drizzle of dressing. If I have any left as it's about to go bad I'll sautee it up and put in an omelete! You don't feel like you're eating veggies this way by sticking a bit in here and there, but it adds up and there I am consuming a whole tub of leafy greens per week!

    I also love steamed brocolli with a bit of salt and pepper as a side dish. I like to get a big nutritional bang for my buck with veggies, so therefore I feel like a serving or 2 of spinach, kale or brocolli goes a LOT farther than snacking on endless celery and other less nutrient dense veggies.