Two months and 20 lbs

I started on this, one of many attempts at losing weight, July 6th after stepping on the scale and seeing 242 lbs staring me in the face. Why is that number important? I promised myself I'd never get over 240 again.

Of course being happy with 235 was not healthy either. My goal weight is 195-205 and that extra 30-40 lbs that sits there is unhealthy, exhausting, and ugly.

I'm happy to say that two months into it I'm halfway there and have dropped 20 lbs. I picked up a 20 lb weight at the gym and realized that that used to be hanging around my waist. Ugh...

To get a better visual, fill a basket with 20 lbs of crisco and there you have what is now gone. Pretty gross.

I've been settled in at about 1700 calories a day. I find that if I eat my workout calories, I plateau. However, I find if I stay at 1700 calories... I'll plateau. So I've been mixing up my calories. Some days I'll go higher, then stick with 1700 for four or five days, and that seems to do the trick.

I work out 6x a week now. I logged 22 miles running last week and completed a 6.5 mile run yesterday. It's hard, but these are the things required to really lose the weight and not just fad diet it away so it can come back again.

I also play indoor soccer again which helps with the monotony of running and we practice tues nights and have games wed nights, and that involves a lot of running and sprinting.

Thurs night is my off night to do nothing. Fri and Sat I do light runs (2-3 miles) and I make sure that I hit the gym and do weight training 3x a week at 30 minutes a pop (i'm not trying to be a body builder) Sun - Mon I do 5-6 mile runs, tues and wed are soccer days.

In two months my blood sugar dropped from 190 to 122. My gluco score went from 10.4 to 5.6. I have dropped 5" from my waist.

It really is a lifestyle change.


  • I've heard zig zagging your calories is the best way to go - and you've proved what I've read!

    Congratulations to you on your success and super hard work.
  • Thats awesome! Are you diabetic? That's a huge blood sugar improvement?
  • TiffyC828
    TiffyC828 Posts: 80 Member
    Congrats to you! Keep up the great work and hit that goal!
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    Way to go :) i am on the road to getting healthier too....Since i can't afford the gym i made one at home...Started Sunday am i soar i make sure it burns when i work out...I do alot of walking and i have a stationary bike at home that i use....Eating healthy is my problem cause my BF burns alot of calories when he works and eats alot of calories before he goes to work which means i eat the same thing but in moderation....But i said enough to that yesterday, while he ate his pizza and junk food, i had my salad and toast

    But i did have one small bite of the pizza but i give myself a pat on the back saying NO to all that junk is the first step to a healthier living, my goal is not just to loose weight but NOT TO GAIN ANY WEIGHT....Be healthy as well is my goal....

    Congrats to u my friend i hear u xoxoxoxo
  • JJHudgens
    JJHudgens Posts: 96 Member
    Sounds like you've found your key, and it's opening doors that you needed opened. Way to do it, congrats! :)
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    Way to go :) i am on the road to getting healthier too....Since i can't afford the gym i made one at home...Started Sunday am i soar i make sure it burns when i work out...I do alot of walking and i have a stationary bike at home that i use....Eating healthy is my problem cause my BF burns alot of calories when he works and eats alot of calories before he goes to work which means i eat the same thing but in moderation....But i said enough to that yesterday, while he ate his pizza and junk food, i had my salad and toast

    But i did have one small bite of the pizza but i give myself a pat on the back saying NO to all that junk is the first step to a healthier living, my goal is not just to loose weight but NOT TO GAIN ANY WEIGHT....Be healthy as well is my goal....

    Congrats to u my friend i hear u xoxoxoxo

    it is always hard to say no to pizza, kudos to u
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you =) And yes, I was diagnosed diabetic about eight years ago due to my horrible eating habits and weight.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Wow, that's absolutely fantastic. Breaking through the inertia to actually start exercising is always the toughest part...I'll bet there was a time when 2-3 miles didn't feel like a "light run," right? Wishing you continued success-
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Indeed. I was in the military and those runs used to be easy. However years later, finishing a mile at first was a challenge. Then two miles was tough. It's one of those things you have to really light a fire under yourself and push past the point of endurance to better yourself.