Very New Need Lots OF Help!

Hi everyone, I'm Denise I'm 28 years old with 2 boys. I weight 232 lbs and I"m 5'6" according to my doc that puts me OBESE. Really ! I hate that word..... Well I'm one of those people who dont know what to eat and dont look at boxes and Never had. I need someone to help teach me some pros and cons.... I keep saying I need to find a Dieting Book for Dummys. I dont do workouts I also Smoke which is really bad..... I tryed Zumbu I love it but couldn't breath so I have lots of goals QUIT SMoking and Lose about 80 lbs I know I may not get all the way there but for now thats where I want to be about 150 lbs, so thats where I am I'm looking for lots of help! NEEds Lots of Friendslol


  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    My best advice is 2 things.
    1) start logging your food, plan out the day before you eat. You will educate yourself, and be able to plan a control for calories
    2) do something. It doesn't have to be anything hardcore like P90X, walking just 30 minutes a day can be a huge jump start.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    When I started 9 months ago, I was at 234. I was shocked at how big I had gotten. I would be happy to offer moral support! Feel free to add me.
  • sueste90
    Hi and welcome feel free to add me :flowerforyou: x
  • You are doing the right things. At least your goals are the right things. I am sure you can make it. Just have the willpower to do it and make it happen for you. I know the feeling of losing the weight and I was also a smoker for a long time. It was the hardest thing to quit for me, but I made it through it and you can too. Good luck.
  • howmyworldruns
    I've never been a smoker, but I would say try quitting for sure.
    Walking, even if it's just 20-30 minutes a day to start. If you have a friend/spouse to walk with it's easier.
    Cut back on portions, I still eat a lot of what I always did but way, way less of it and use healthier ingredients to make it.
    Skip the bread, if it's a sandwich buy the wheat bread that's about 45 calories for 2 slices.
    If you are a pasta addict like me, try and not have it for the first 30 days. I did and it helped a lot.

    Enter everything you eat in MFP and stick to it. It gets easier when you see the weight coming off. Good luck!
  • afigueroa_pr
    It really comes down to getting educated about your BMI and your BMR.
    You first have to determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and you then substract around 300-500 calories from that BMR daily.
    For every 3500 calories you lose from your diet it is equivalent to one pound of weight.
    Personally I do a combination of calorie tracking and exercising to lose an average of 2 pounds a week.
    You do have to read the labels and track calories and be at least 30 minutes a day active!

    Hope this helps!
  • melbaby925
    When I first started - I couldn't walk a mile and I was 50lbs heavier than you are now. I was eating a ton of crap and not reading labels either. I started with just logging my food and trying to keep within the calorie limits that MFP set. Once I adjusted to eating whatever I wanted, only less, I then started cutting out crap and refining my eating plan to being more healthy.

    Take your time. To do this right, you don't need to jump into Zumba on day one. Just start walking and doing some stretches. You don't want to hurt yourself right off the bat! Then work your way up.

    Also - I am an ex smoker and ex soda drinker - if you need help, feel free to add me and I'll help where I can!
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    Hi, and welcome Denise!

    You're going to get so many different suggestions, because there are many different ideas on the best way to lose - low carb, low fat, high protein, high complex carb, etc. - it can be overwhelming, especially when you're new.

    I like to keep it simple - stay within my calorie allowance and try to make most calories "count" by making smart choices. For me, that involves very few processed foods, little white flour or sugar, and quite a bit of protein because it helps to keep me full. As for reading the labels, I'd say the fewer the ingredients the better!

    Don't give up all of your favorite foods or it will be too hard - don't do anything now that you're not willing to do the rest of your life (other than some calorie restriction in the losing phase).

    Have you ever discussed nutrition with a dietician? That may be helpful if you can find a registered dietician - even an initial consult to get you going.

    It's a learning process and a journey - you already took a step in the right direction! Feel free to add me, and good luck!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Your goals are great! A big high-five to you for setting them for yourself!

    Be realistic and start slow. Don't put yourself on a 1200 calorie a day diet. Starting somewhere like 2,000 calories a day will help you lose the first bit without making you go crazy. Aim for at least 2 servings of fruit a day and at least 3 servings of veggies. And do something physical each day. Go for a 15 minute walk at lunch time and another 15 minute walk before dinner. It won't impose too much on your time, won't be too strenuous, and it will make a big difference!

    I'll be adding you =) feel free to ask any questions at all, I'm happy to help!
  • gary8964
    Hello, and welcome. Just registering here is an important first step. I've been on this site for about 6 weeks myself and have managed to lose about 10 lbs. like other posters have said, just start entering what you're eating and try to stay within your calory goals.

    I don't want to be an anti-smoking zealot, but please try to quit. I quit about a year ago and I'll admit it....quitting SUCKS!!! It is probably one of the hardest things I've ever done after being a smoker for 30 + years. The benefits of quitting are not to be under estimated.

    Please feel free to friend me if you'd e like. Good luck with the rest f your journey.
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    When you quit smoking you will gain too, I hear... but you will feel better and be healthier... and if you are dieting and exercising, you may lose instead!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my best advice: eat sensibly, but focus on quitting smoking 1st. don't try to "diet" and quit at the same time, you will be depriving yourself of too much at once and you will give up.
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi I am Holly. I started MFP because I found myself at 220 lbs. I am 5'4 and 22 years old. I also have no children so in my mind I have no excuse for this weight gain. I joined MFP because I also want to be around 145-150lbs. Since we have similar goals feel free to add me for moral support.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Spend some time looking at the "success stories" forum. It's quite inspiring what folks here have been able to accomplish.

    If you have a smartphone, get the MyFitnessPal app. It's free. It makes it easy to look up the calorie content of foods before you eat them (a calorie book like "calorie king" will let you do this if you don't have the app) and will make it easy to log your food IMMEDIATELY after eating.

    Remember losing weight is 80-90% DIET. Exercise is icing on the cake.

    Allow yourself plenty of time. It takes a long time to lose weight and to develop the right habits. Think three years, not three months.

    Speaking of three months, make one of your mini-goals logging for 90 days straight, whatever you eat good or bad. It needs to be a habit through the ups and downs.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Oh, and Quaker has "instant grits" packs that cost only 100 calories, Grits Girl !
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome! What everyone else said, stay true to yourself here, log everything is the second step, joining was the first. The smoking, I quit 6 months ago, Friend me or send me a message, I'd love to help you with that part. I gained 8 pounds with my quit and I've lost 24 since joining here. This is DOOABLE! You are worth it girl, don't let yourself or anyone else tell you differently!

    Best wishes,
  • Gritsgirl513
    HEHE GRITS girl is my user name for everything G: Girls R: Raised I: In T: the S: south!!!!! Just means Southern Girl In another way of saying! which also means Everything gets Fried! Bad I know