Newbie from UK

My name is Val and I'm from England.....I have just started in the last 2 months going to the gym and go least 3 times a week ...combining cardio with weights and vibration powerplate ......

now I just have to tackle eating within my calorie allowance per day and it should all come together :D ....hopefully ...installed the app too ....loved the app when i was at weightwatchers and used it daily ..didnt go anywhere without it ....

Joining Rosemary Conley classes tomorrow as thats more in with calorie intake ....weightwatchers I got extremley bored with....

Wish me Luck :D .....

Have drop some weight ...about 28lb altogther in about 6-7 months and in last eight weeks toned my thighs losing 4cm on each in 8 weeks ..which im veryyyy happy about ....


  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    You are in the right place. Just honestly log in everything you eat and you will get the hang of it soon. Good Luck!
  • clarehodgson14
    Hi Val,

    Welcome to MFP. Log everything and it'll work. Also in the UK. feel free to add me for support.
  • SunshineAndLove
    SunshineAndLove Posts: 194 Member
    Hi welcome add me if u like, its a brilliant place and u sound like ur doing really well already. Good luck!
  • babbityboo
    babbityboo Posts: 98 Member
    Hey Val,

    Also relatively new (a week or so) and from the UK :)

    Feel free to add :)

    Good Luck! xxxx