Why do YOU hate running?



  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Gives me shin pain so bad I can barely walk if I run too much.

    i bet you 10 bucks its your shoes!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Besides my knees hurting I'd say cause it can become quite repetitive and boring...however I still do it lol:laugh:

    Like a hamster on a wheel :grumble:
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I adore running...in the winter. I HATE IT this time of year, when it's still 100 degrees. So...my dislike of running is directly related to the weather. :D
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Running, except for short sprints is directly related to chronic cardio which in turns elevates cortisol levels which can prevent you from burning fat and losing weight.

    This is MY reason for not liking to run.

    That is the funniest thing I've read on here in a while. Running preventing you from burning fat and losing weight? Seriously?!

    Research it.................

    The problem with traditional chronic cardio is the constant release of the stress hormone cortisol. While running at a consistent pace without break or rest, the body is exposed to a large amount of stress hormone cortisol, which in excess, depresses immune function, increases risk for disease and sickness, increases inflammation and consequently pains throughout the body, increases oxidative stress, causes the degradation of muscle tissue and increases the accumulation of fat.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I hate running because I can get to the exact same place by walking.... it just takes longer!

    My trainer(God bless him) has tried numerous times to get to me run during our sessions.. and every time, I either yelled at him or threw the nearest object at him, because I absolutely despise running.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    I do it and despise it. Especially since I've been running from the gym after a workout to go back home. Never really a big cardio fan, and to top it off I'm a cardio instructor......................go figure. But in class (kickboxing) I don't ever show that I despise cardio.
  • hml1976
    I hate it for two big reasons.

    1. Boobs. My husband jokes that I'm built to serve the drinks at the end of the race not run the race :) And yes I have good bras and all that but unless there's duct tape involved its still unpleasant.

    2. Weak ankles. I'm terrified a sprained ankle would put me out of all exercise for months and I've come to far for that. I've sprained both ankles badly enough before that the ligament has torn bone off, I've been in braces, casts etc. I'm not going there again. I get my cardio through my Treadclimber, walking, and videos.

    All of that said, I would love to be a runner and greatly admire those of you who do.
  • twinlikeme
    twinlikeme Posts: 32 Member
    I wish I loved it. I even go through phases where I do. It comes down to the fact that I just get really bad inflamed knees and shin splints. I've pretty much had them since 5th grade. Young I know, but years of sports will do that to you sometimes.
  • margaretmillen
    I dot necessarily hate running. I have knee problems, and big boobs so it's hard. I used to like jogging, but i'm not much for sprinting.
  • madisonsteelex
    I have asthma and no endurance, also huge boobs.. it's so annoying
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    I have asthma and no endurance, also huge boobs.. it's so annoying

    with a good reliever and preventer there is no reason why you cant build your endurance! asthma does not prevent you from running! i suffer from asthma and run. boobs- nice support bra will sort that!

    to the op, no hate it! im addicted!
  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    I was a runner 30 years ago in high school. And I still hate it. Mainly knee pain, and skin rash from sweating so much in hot, muggy weather (I was in Louisiana then). And even when it felt good during the second half of a run, I always hated the process of forcing myself to get up off my but, get dressed, get out the door, and get stretched and warmed up and over the first (always unpleasant) half. There's a natural tendency to slow down, and I found that if I "push through" that, it just builds up more of a distaste for getting started the next time. And if you miss several days in a row, you've lost so much conditioning that you have to "start over" at a much lower level.

    So those a are few things I hate about it.

    Nowadays, I'm a big fan of walking. Not as impressive as running, but I truly enjoy it. There's zero preparation, the very first step feels good, and unless you twist an ankle or something, there's no pain involved. Whenever there's time, I just do it; I never have to talk myself into it. I've been upping my pace, and now for a 5k I'm at about the upper limit of how fast I can move with a walking motion. I get an elevated heart rate, a nice amount of sweat, and I never feel like I want to stop or slow down. And I can squeeze a walk like that into my lunch break, right after eating. And on the weekend, there's hikes in the mountains.

    Strange to say, but a couple of weeks ago I joined a running club. Its really just sort of a promo put on by a local pub. Sign in, "run" 5k, and get pints of decent micro-brew for happy hour prices afterwards. Do it ten times and you get a free shirt. It's grown into a huge crowd (many hundreds) and pretty social. And even though I just walk, I still manage to pass a few folks.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I used to hate the idea of running...ready with all sorts of excuses, my G sized tatas right up there at the top of the list. Scoffing whenever I passed a park full of people just running.
    But then I decided to try it.
    And you know what? I actually enjoy it. My endurance is crap right now, I can make it two minutes comfortably, but I'm working on week three of the C25K program. I'm not running long enough to get that runner's high, but I'm running, and I'm damn proud of myself. I get sweaty, I get red-faced, I pant and gasp for air, but I run. That's more then a lot of people I know can say. I think the number one reason that I used to hate running was because it required me to get off the couch, get out of my comfort zone, and work. I didn't want to.
    I hate that I can't do much right now, but that will come with work and determination.

    As far as the tatas hurting thing goes, I used to use that as a huge excuse to not try jogging. I was sure my boobs would hurt. I mean, hell, jumping jacks are dangerous with these puppies. Now, I wear a sports bra, a cheesy one from walmart even, with a shelf tank top over it. Sure, they still bounce. But that's kinda my favorite part about them, Lols. And they really don't bounce as much as I expected, much less then jumping jacks.
    As far as boring, yeah, sometimes, it sure is, especially with me being stuck on a treadmill. I listen to music or I pop on the TV while I'm working on my C25K session.
    Done with excuses now. I will work and I will become a runner, because dammit, I want to, and I can do anything I want to.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i run cross country for my college. lol...

    It's just MENTALLY tough sometimes (epecially when you run competetively). Sometimes people don't like pushing themselves to that extreme because it is very scary to ignore physiological warnings from your body ;P however, i'm starting to enjoy ignoring my body's institual warnings, and using my mental will power to push even harder! :D !!!
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I am an avid runner, and I hate it more often than I love it.

    I hate it because, dammit..... It's hard!

    I do it, because.... Dammit.... It's HARD! Lol....
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Running, except for short sprints is directly related to chronic cardio which in turns elevates cortisol levels which can prevent you from burning fat and losing weight.

    This is MY reason for not liking to run.

    That is the funniest thing I've read on here in a while. Running preventing you from burning fat and losing weight? Seriously?!

    Not for me.... It is the ONLY exercise that got me to lose the last ten....
  • courtclink
    I don't like running because it reminds me how out of shape I am! My endurance is laughable, and I tried C25K once but got discouraged by how many times I had to repeat Week 3. I would love to get to a place where running does not make me feel like I'm about to die. Maybe now is the time to give C25K another try.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It's monotonous. I much prefer something like dance or figure skating.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I don't know how to run. I know this sounds rediculous, but every time I have tried to run, I get shin splints. People say it is my shoes, and it very well could be. But I also feel like I have no idea how to have "good form", I think I run on my feet wrong, and I don't breathe right. I can give you ever reason in the book... but really, its because it is hard and scary. I WANT to be a runner, so this year I am working on becoming a runner!

    Look into a Chi Running (or similar) coach. Made such a difference for me!
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I LOVE to run!!! My knees and ankles, sadly, will not do it any more. Would love to trade joints with someone who hates running...