Calories Burned Turbo Jam

I am curious to know how many calories I should really account for when doing Turbo Jam. I do at least 30 minutes per day but the calorie counter seems high. Over 600 calories in 45 minutes....I would so love for that to be true. I go full throttle the whole time but still seems a bit high. Any thoughts?


  • prizmaa
    prizmaa Posts: 62 Member
    I've been wondering that question too.
    I think depending on your weight and how much intensity you put into it, it's very possible. I do Turbo Jam as well and it says that I burn around 570 for 40 minutes. I guess the only way to really know is to have a heart rate moniter to tell you the exact calories burned. I don't have one of those yet, but I think I ought to get one just to see how close it is in comparison. :)
  • What you burn depends a lot on your weight and of course how hard you are pushing yourself. I have a bodybugg (a device worn on your arm that measures calorie burn) and I burn anywhere from 500-700 calories during TurboFire or Turbo Kick.. It is NOT a stretch for you to be burning 600 calories during a workout. I used to think 'Wow!! There's no way' but once I got my bodybugg I was amazed. As for my weight I am around 130 lbs at the moment, so if you weigh more than that I would say you are definitely burning at least what I am. hope this helps! If you are in doubt I would underestimate just to make sure you are still achieving a calorie defecit each day-- God Bless!
