Any Fellow Bandsters out there?

I was banded on July 21, 2011. So far, I have not had much success. I did well through the first 2 weeks, clear and regular fluids and since then have been eating like crap. I just recently started working out every day for at least 30 minutes 15 days straight, YAY!!! I love Turbo Jam, so much fun. Anyway, I need some support. I would love to review some food diary's of successful bandsters out there. I have had 2 fills so far, the first was 3 cc's and the second was 1.5 cc's. Still no restriction but I do have stuck episodes from time to time. I would love any support I can get. Thanks!!!


  • It's a learn as you go journey. You will learn what foods you can't have at all (for me it's rice and pork so far. Rice gums up and plugs me and pork is just too dry). You will learn that even though you think you are eating slow enough and small enough bites - you're not.

    Took me 6 months to get to my ideal restriction. I know some that got there in 2 fills. It truly is different for every person.

    That being said - I have ideal restriction eating my proteins. When I don't get at least 60 grams of protein each day, I'm hungry between meals. So it's up to me to eat the right things for the band to work.

    It's crazy how junk food goes RIGHT thru with no problem. So it's easy for people with the band to fail if they don't follow the band rules. I lost an average of 2 lbs a week when I followed them to the T. I've lost at a much slower rate since I've been more lax about them. I need to buckle down and make myself follow the rules agai!

    Good luck!