Spin Off...TOILET PAPER: Over or under?



  • cmbradfield
    Over. I'll change it if it's under!
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Totally an over kind of girl here.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member

    Essential Life Lesson #1: Over is Right, Under is Wrong
    As part of our ongoing effort here at Current Configuration to make your life not only better, but also 10% more crunchy, we’re offering you this first installment of what will be an ongoing series of Essential Life Lessons. Kicking off this series will be a critical but even-handed examination of a common misunderstanding that occurs in a realm of many misunderstandings: the bathroom.

    Put simply, there is a right way to hang the toilet paper, and a wrong way. Read on to determine the status of your own roll.

    Toilet paper has a natural curve, a way of being that lends itself to certain orientations on the toilet paper spool.* If handled with skill and knowledge, it can provide an abundance of both sanitation and comfort, quilted together in each square of pillowy ply. If handled with clumsy ignorance, or worse, carelessness, it will beset the user with pain, filth, and frustration. Don’t let it end this way, with you curled on the tile floor of the stall, weeping in frustration, covered in wasted papier de toilette. To convince you, we’ve created some diagrams, harnessing the power of SCIENCE, to demonstrate the natural benefits of the over hanging method. First, we examine the optimal viewing benefits of the over hanging method.

    Below are examples of the helpful and fruitful over-hung method on the left and the annoying and detrimental under-hung method on the right.


    Notice the dramatic difference in the amount of visible toilet paper. Ironically, it is the over-hung toilet paper that has both the most visible free sheetage and the least amount of sheetage free from the roll to do it. Now, this may not seem like a big deal on its own, but in these extra sheets lies your undoing. Observe.


    We here at Current Configuration, for the purposes of ease and expediency, do the one-handed tear (okay, really, it’s just me, but bear with me, er, us). The one-handed tear is a quick maneuver that takes advantage of the perforated squares, allowing your bundle of toilet paper to be liberated with one quick swipe of the arm. This is the foundation of bathroom ease, the cottony bedrock on which enjoyment rests in the restrooms of many nations.

    The one-handed tear relies on a quick and forceful motion directed either away from or towards the tear-er. The forces applied in this motion are great and, like the atom, are not to be trifled with. The natural curve of the over-hung method allows the roll to stand fast after a one-handed tear, but the under-hung method creates a calamitous tendency in the roll. This tendency can only lead to this:


    Wasted paper, frustration, the destruction of our forests. While we realize that it is possible to execute a one-handed tear on an under-hung roll, this is a game of sanitary Russian roulette. You are bound to lose eventually, and there is no re-rolling an unwound toilet paper roll. The results will only cause you grief. Don’t let this happen to you. Restroom attendants, janitors, maids, facilities crews, and responsible toiletowners take note: Don’t use the under-hung method for your toilet paper rolls. It leads to the destruction of our precious resources and the pillars of civilization as we know it!
  • gracemleone
    lol.. awesome article :laugh:

    I don't even hang mine anymore because both of my cats unroll the whole thing it and shred it into tiny little pieces.
    I come home to find this:

  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Definitely UNDER. Over drives me nuts. It's easier to rip off if it is under. If it is over and you don't do it right, it unrolls.

    110% agree!!! This is the only LOGICAL choice :P You use the weight of the roll to help you tear the paper and not wind up with a pile of TP on the floor in the middle of the night

    And yes, my GF likes over .. so we are always swapping the roll on each other. lol

    You are just wrong. Even the facebook poll was overwhelmingly in my favor. :tongue:
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Over. I have even changed TP at friends homes because they have it wrong! My husband will switch it everyonce in a while to see if I am paying attention! Fun times!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    After this incident I now go under :)


    This^^ (I have a toddler AND a cat so I have no choice!)
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Well, for me it depends............

    If the TP in on the wall on my leftside, it's under.......If it's on the wall on my right, it's over......

    At present it's under.................................
  • kristinaohno
    kristinaohno Posts: 113 Member
    OVER! i even told my boyfriend when we started dating that the toilet paper in his bathroom has to be over or I'll fix it. since then, it's never been under :]
    it's just so much easier to grab if it's over!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Under, its easier to tear
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Over. I think I've even changed it around at other peoples houses.

    I do that as well hahahaha have been told to stop but I can't help myself with it