Cely21 Posts: 50 Member
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hi!!! .. I'm a newby here:blushing: . I'm going on my third week here and must admit I'm loving MFP:love: !!! Everyone here is soooo positive I love it!! I have a long journey ahead of me. I have tried soo many things just like probably many of you. I was about to schedule an appointment to have gastric bypass or lap band.. whatever.. But I decided I want to do this on my own. And I was also about to go out and waste $$ and purchase diet pills which probably wouldn't have worked anyway, and thanks to my BFF she talked me out of it. So here I am:happy: , I'm going on my third week and so far it's GREAT!! I've been staying on track with counting and exercising. BUT I need motivation to keep me going. Soooo my question to you guys is what's your motivation???? What do you do when you know you have to wake up early to workout but your are soooooo tired?? And has anyone tried any fatburners that work?? Well I look forward to making many positive friends here .. Good luck everyone!!! :happy:


  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    I've worked in the morning before eveyrone else gets up ummm approximated 3 times! I just can't bring myself to get out of bed. I do my 30 DS during my lunch break everyday and try and fit something into the afternoon/evening once I get home and all of the chores around the place are done. Try to get the kids to walk/ride with me when I do walk or ride.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    It's easy to get distracted but I try and set mini goals to keep me focused. Like losing 2lbs a week or promise of a new hair do when I get under 200 which I did two weeks ago so my appointment is set for Oct 1st :smile:

    Make sure you log on everyday it will keep you focused. Also try and find a workout time that works for you. I tried the early am crap and could find every excuse in the book for sleeping in. I tried going right after work but it never failed that something came up. I go on my lunch our becuase that is the only time I have for me. Maybe there is a time of day that is only for you............while dinners cooking? After work? Lunch hour stroll?

    I'm glad you are here. I too thought of sugery and tried weightloss pills but it all comes down to eating right and exercising and so far I've lost 23lbs. Keep your head up!!!! I'm rooting for you :smile:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Welcome Cely, so glad you opted out of the surgery and the diet pills. Doing it the natural way is the best. Motivation must come from you. Set some goals both short term medium and long, they don't even all have to be about weight loss. Have a focus board, my one has my goals up and some inspirational quotes that are sure to give me a boost. Also I am a big believer in the power of positive thinking. For example today I am feeling knackered and it is only the start of the day, but instead of moping I think of how good I will feel once I finish my workout, and on really bad days I think of my goals and how much I want them. I started with the 30 day Shred by Jillian Michaels there are a few posts in the forum that you can search about this. It's a really good program if you are just starting out. It will be challenging to start off with but you will be amazed how strong you will become during it. Anyway rambling as always, good luck on your journey I hope you push hard and reach those goals. Add me if you want also. :smile:
  • Welcome! I have found MFP to be very helpful. I love the food and exercise databases. Good luck on your journey! :wink:
  • I was just walking back from lunch thinking of posting this same thing. I've tried to set my alarm for morning workouts but inevitably sleep in. I'm not sure where motivation comes from to workout, but you know what? We are on the right track, I think. You were frustrated enough to sign on here. Maybe start with that! Motivate yourself to log every piece of food you ingest for a week. Once you get that down, take the next step/set the next goal until you achieve what you want.

    It's hard. But, the hardwork you do with this will feel miles better than the problems caused by not doing anything.
  • Kileywyotee
    Kileywyotee Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Cely... fantastic decision to not have the surgery. That could be your motivation in itself. :) You're already on the right path and that is a HUGE decision too. So you have it in ya, and that's what we're here for :D

    My motivation is actually shopping for some super cute clothes. I'm tall so finding jeans or sleeves long enough in general is a nightmare. But when you're chubby the clothing companies assume you have huge boobs and aren't over 5'8'. Needless to say I love summer lol however, if I would just lose some weight everything would fit better... Just waking up knowing that finding something to wear isn't going to be a struggle is a good chunk of mine :)

    Welcome to MFP and Good Luck on your journey :D

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