Very Frustrated 'Obese' Chick



  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    I changed my name on here. I figure it's all in the way we think, right? I'm just so thankful for ALL of you. My whole day just turned around... Thank you, Lord. <3
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    YES!!! Love it. Forward we go. :)
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    I love food too... LOVE IT! My boyfriend is a chef... But being healthy is much more important than all of that. If you are healthy you will have many more happy memories with your loving family than if you are not healthy... I still eat my boyfriend's fattening food... I just put some in a plate, then wrap up the rest for leftovers! I still bake cakes and cookies... and I take them to work for my coworkers. You can do this! You can be the Healthy version of yourself!

    *hugs* I know I eat when I'm bored, frustrated, happy, sad, I mean truly, I LOVE food! I love to cook it, smell it, make it, watch peopel enjoy something I've created, so it's a deep thing for me. Plus, when I took a deep look back at my past, I realized that "happy" moments in my childhood revolved around food... I need to refocus my energy and thoughts into being happy that I'm healthy and I'm creating a healthy home for myself and my lovely family.
    Oh bless you. I feel exactly the same at the moment, and am frustrated because I can't seem to get to the bottom of the WHY - the real reason I eat too much, and I'm sure if I identified that and dealt with it I would be successful - I just need a hand to find that out.

    I'm considering hypnotherapy - do you think that might work for you?
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    Ruth I just got teary reading this post and am delighted to see you have changed yr username!

    Someone said something about 'loving yourself' and altho that may be hard, I really think it's a crucial element of moving forward. In addition to the basics (taking care of yr diet and exercising)....this might sound silly, but I want to encourage you to get yourself a good body moisteriser, and pamper yourself daily with a good slather after your shower (legs, arms etc!). I'm serious here! lol.... While you are doing this, try to think positive affirmations...things such as "I am grateful for my strong body....I am moving towards better health...I am improving my body with nourishing food...' etc etc. Whatever feels right for you. Take care of what you have now....By nurturing yourself, you will gradually discover that you are beautiful...and have a lot to be grateful for - just keep working at it! You have lots of support here.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Again, I have to say, thank you so much for everything---all of you are wonderful individuals and so incredibly supportive. I started this afternoon thinking I had NO ONE and then all of you pitched in with loving affirming support. How awesome. I've got an awesome mom, but I seriously didn't think this is something she would want to do and by the end of this evening, we walked together and have a plan for lunches tomorrow and she finally joined the site! Her name is Silverado18 and it would mean a lot if you could add her as your friend or throw some thoughtful kind words her way. I know it would mean a lot to her to like it did to me. Anyways, I am so motivated right now and I am trying to pace myself so I don't over do it, but I am also really proud of myself for not staying angry at my husband because after all, we should let the people in our lives be honest with us---our weight really DOES affect others even if they are nice about it. I believe everything happens for a reason and I know that with God's help and the support of so many beautiful men and women, we can all do this together! I can't wait to show before and after pictures!!!!
    Also, thank you for the awesome lotion suggestion. I have a decent one now, but I think that will be my 5lbs lost goal. Yessss :)