Eating Exercise Calories????

Okay so I have read alot of things on here from people who are against eating your excercise calories and those that do it. Whats the deal?? I set my calorie goal at 1200 and to be honest its kind of hard to eat that much! Im not starving myself, my body is full and i get plenty of nutrients all to the level they should be so I cant imagine trying to stuff 200-500 extra calories in my mouth just to eat my exercise calories. Whats your opinon? :tongue: and be nice no haters welcome here just looking for what works for everyone else..


  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Well your body has to have at least 1200 net calories. But if you don't feel hungry, then don't force yourself to eat. I usually just eat something every 2 - 3 hours. I used to track every piece of food that goes into my mouth, but I hit a plateau and I work with a trainer who doesn't believe in calorie counting. But with eating every 2-3 hours i'm sure I'm getting my 1200 net calories a day.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I think you'd be able to find everything you want to about opinions and science on eating exercise calories by doing a search. It seems like a topic that has been much discussed :)
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Options - the second page has a lot of useful links.
  • tiggiyy
    My exercise calories are fruit. I usually eat about 100-150 calories of fruit and burn 350-400 exercising. When you're only eating 1200 calories, exercising is extremely difficult (at least for me) without having some healthy sugar for fuel. If I only eat 1200 calories and burn 400 running, that would leave me at 800 and that's borderline dangerous unless you're extremely overweight and have the excess calories needed already stored in fat.
  • navjhaj
    It's quite simple. Hungry? Eat. Not hungry? Don't eat.

    This whole baloney about 1200 calories is getting to me, here. Speaking just for myself , I can eat just fine (NOW, but it was hardly the case before I started this program), and also work out just fine. I can probably work out harder than most people here, I'm thinking. 2 hours on the elliptical at max resistance (20/20) gets my heart rate only up 30 pm over the course of those 120 minutes, and the machine says I burn 2000 calories (!) Don't know if THAT's true, but I'm sure its not just 200.

    Anyway, if I eat 2500 calories and manage to burn 2000 of it (I don't do that any more, by the way, I'm learning to eat 1400-1900 gross calories and work out more moderately), for a net of only 500, there's no problem. Why, I've probably got 140,000 calories in enough excess fat that can (fortunately and unfortunately) make up the slack.

    Eat when you're hungry (and eat sensibly). Not hungry? Don't eat. I think the problem is, people in this culture eat when they're not hungry.