Moving In & Eating Patterns!

megankeeley Posts: 3 Member
So I recently moved in with my boyfriend, who ever since returning from his deployment in Iraq -has become a physical fitness nut! Fortunately for him, his hungry and metabolism has changed drastically and has increased significantly! SO JEALOUS! but my problem is that I find myself eating when he's eating just because it's the "couply" thing to do.. anyone had this problem before/how have you managed..

I mean I can't just sit back when we go to Dairy Queen bc he's hungry on a whim and NOT order anything.. ugh men!


  • I can relate. My hubby has a much faster metabolism than I do. He eats like crap sometimes. But, he knows what my fitness goals are and that I'm very concerned with what I put in my body. So, he is 100% OK with me just sitting with him and not eating when he is chowing down. We even choose different dinners sometimes. I will have made lean chicken with veggies and quinoa and he comes in the house with Jack in the Box.. I just say no thanks and eat my fuel food and let him have his salt/fat sandwich. =]

    Are you having trouble with his reaction to you not eating or are you having trouble saying no when he's chowing in front of ya? Both are challenges that I know you can overcome with some planning.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    "I mean I can't just sit back when we go to Dairy Queen bc he's hungry on a whim and NOT order anything.. "

    Yes you can. You may not want to, which is understandable, but you can! :o)

    I had the same issue after getting married. Packed on tons of weight. One thing I do now is we bought (actually, I asked for them for Valentine's Day!) smaller plates that I use regularly, while he still uses the big plates. I can fill the small plate up and don't feel deprived by looking at a half-empty plate. It's plenty for me to eat, too.

    If you're not hungry and he is, find something to do in another room while he's eating - fold the laundry, take a walk, hey - do a 20 minute exercise video! Excuse yourself from the situation so you're not tempted.

    Good luck, and happy for ya that your man's back!
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