just started site!

:smile: hello everyone, i am a newbie to this site. Seems super outrageous! been trying for the last couple of years to get rid of some extra weight (muffin top). 10 pounds that dont wanna budge. Ever since my medically induced menopause..... : ( so excited about the fact i can eat what i want. Tried other stuff but always end up with the same result....frustration!! i think the last 10 are the hardest to lose though. any body experiencing that and has gone through meno please write me.Would love to hear from you!!!


  • Bluejay789
    Welcome! Feel free to friend me. I have some tips that can help you and keep you from making the mistakes I made in the beginning. If you want the tips let me know in the friend requests.

    This is great site and you will love the support here!

    You can do it.
