How do you sleep at night??

With or without......... noise? I CAN not sleep with out havin music going because it's just too creepy silent. I'm the same way if I'm on the computer or reading a book. I HAVE to have background noise.

Door open or closed?? It depends. If the puppy is in the spare room on the bed there, I leave the door open so she can come in and cuddle, which she eventually ends up doing, other wise it's closed.... one more noise maker is someone breaks in my house, lol.

There's one other question I was considering asking...... but the way things have been going lately.... I'll leave it alone for now.


  • jp09m
    jp09m Posts: 89
    theres nothing wrong with that, ever noticed how quickly you wake up from light tho? your very slightly noise sensitvie, but your eyes are highly senstive to light when you sleep.

    the relivence... your body produces a hormone called melatonin while you sleep, but it can only be produced in darkness. it regulates your circadian rhythm (internal clock). the more you can produce in your sleep the more rested your body will be. so, this makes sleeping with a tv or lights on somewhat "unhealthy." with a tv on its tough for your body to produce melatonin. ever notice how you feel groggy after a night with the tv on?
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    unless I fall asleep with the tv on, I do not like noises, because I like to hear anything else, plus, I like silence. If I am on the computer or reading, also prefer silence, so I can hear anything else going on.

    I do not like closed doors. They freak me out when I am sleeping for some reason. I guess I feel too closed in that way, suffocated almost. I prefer the couch, alone, open space and no snoring.

    If out on the couch, clothes, if in the room, no clothes. I know that was your other question, lol.
  • starwhisperer
    I have my fan on all the time. I need a little noise or everything wakes me up.
  • Movingonforbetter
    I have to have complete darkness and quiet. I sleep well this way yet light enough that if one of my kids wake I hear it.:tongue:
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I can sleep anywhere at any time of day in any type of dress as long as I have some kind of background noise. I usually sleep with the television on as well as a fan.
  • Movingonforbetter
    unless I fall asleep with the tv on, I do not like noises, because I like to hear anything else, plus, I like silence. If I am on the computer or reading, also prefer silence, so I can hear anything else going on.

    I do not like closed doors. They freak me out when I am sleeping for some reason. I guess I feel too closed in that way, suffocated almost. I prefer the couch, alone, open space and no snoring.

    If out on the couch, clothes, if in the room, no clothes. I know that was your other question, lol.

    I agree with the no snorning. MY hubby and I sleep in seperate rooms because he snores soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad I can't sleep anymore if he is there. I know crazy
  • starwhisperer
    clothes always! I have marvelous visions of myself stark naked on the front lawn after the fire is put out. And while that might be a fantastic way to meet hot firefighters it would do horrible things to my ego.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I like silence. Helps me concentrate. When I'm trying to sleep though, I don't like complete silence but it doesn't keep me from sleeping. I prefer a low-tone constant sound... say the hum of a fan or something like that. That helps me sleep. I guess stress might play a part in somebody's sleeping habits? There's not much of it in my life right now so I sleep like a baby.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I can only fall asleep on the couch with the tv on. hehe In my bedroom, Its total silence and darkness. Door open incase the kiddies get up. Always with a leg out of the covers. And like a kajillion pillows for snugglin
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    with my eyes shut....

    In all seriousness im sleeping in the living room at the moment until i can get a new mattress because it bends in at the middle and makes be have horrible back pains in the morning. No matter what, i have to have a tv on, unless im drunk and just pass out
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I can do either way. When I'm at home the TV is always on. When I'm at school I'll sleep in silence if I don't feel like messing around with the headphones. Headphones are hard to sleep with!

    As for the door, of course in the dorm it's closed. At home I sleep in the living room so there's no door to close!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    The closet door HAS to be closed. I must have a little light and no noise!

    Also my feet have to be covered, I thank horror movies for my weird scary issues.
  • CreativeRedhead
    I'm a light sleeper and have my quirks when it comes to sleeping.

    A) It has to be completely dark....even that annoying blue glow from the alarm clock bothers me.

    B) It has to be the right temperature in the room or forget it, I won't sleep well.

    C) Lately I have discovered that playing my ambient pandora station helps me fall asleep faster.

    D) I sleep with some pjs on because I never know when one of the little people might make their way to our bed.

    E) I have this thing about the top cover, it has to be kind of heavy not one of those lightweight comforters you buy in a bag. I like to feel that I have something covering me up.

    F) I prefer our king size bed over any others, king size pillows are a must. I need room to move around I guess. =)

    Oooh yeah as a few others above me wrote.... Closet doors have to be shut, feet always covered unless I get hot then one leg is partially thrown out, and I always sleep on the right side of the bed.
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    I like a very dark room with a little background noise at night (though I'll often wake up in the middle of the night and turn the tv or radio off). I usually don't need any noise if I'm napping during the day, though.

    I don't really care if the door is open or closed.
  • Ireshgurl
    unless I fall asleep with the tv on, I do not like noises, because I like to hear anything else, plus, I like silence. If I am on the computer or reading, also prefer silence, so I can hear anything else going on.

    I do not like closed doors. They freak me out when I am sleeping for some reason. I guess I feel too closed in that way, suffocated almost. I prefer the couch, alone, open space and no snoring.

    If out on the couch, clothes, if in the room, no clothes. I know that was your other question, lol.

    Lmfao, you're too smart for your own good. I sleep wit clothes on. I've never been comfy naked, lol.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'll admit my deep dark secret. My eyes will sometimes open while I'm asleep so I will sleep with a pillow over my head to block out light. This usually blocks out sound too. I don't have to worry about noise because I'm usually too busy thinking during that time. All of these are bad sleeping habits, I know. But so is staying up past my bedtime to post on MFP threads so I think I will go to bed now. Good night all! Interesting convo! And yes, I live by melatonin. If I could go to bed on time, I could get my circadian rhythyms straight. Oh well! Rambling means I'm sleepy. Nighties!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    If out on the couch, clothes, if in the room, no clothes. I know that was your other question, lol.
    I'd like to visit your room...................
  • JediMaster_intraining
    Maybe I'm just a chicken but I need some sort of light source (example, my patio light shines through my window otherwise I like my lava lamp) when I sleep. XD Being in complete or almost complete darkness makes me paranoid. I like the door closed, locked preferably, and sometimes I like music but it really depends how tired I am. LOL sometimes I don't even know I fell asleep. Oh and pillows! I need pillows to hug and rest my head. Wow, I seem OCD
  • Ireshgurl
    I can only fall asleep on the couch with the tv on. hehe In my bedroom, Its total silence and darkness. Door open incase the kiddies get up. Always with a leg out of the covers. And like a kajillion pillows for snugglin

    Same here with the leg and pillows!!! Though my puppy makes for a very good pillow when she lets me, hehe.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    clothes always! I have marvelous visions of myself stark naked on the front lawn after the fire is put out. And while that might be a fantastic way to meet hot firefighters it would do horrible things to my ego.

    ROFL That is the same exact reason why I wear clothes... ALWAYS!