Hello! 1st day (negative -500 cals) Gotta start somewhere ri

:) It'll be a process... i know that. In May i started a c25k program. I'm graduated and am running almost 3 miles a few times a week.

Now I'm ready to really look at what I'm putting in my mouth (and it ain't pretty so I've figured out). So I've set a steep goal of 1200 cals a day... but if i'm below 1800 i'll be happy, it's a weaning process and some days i'll hit it, other days i won't, but i'm not going to beat myself up about it... just keep on keeping track and learning what correct portions are and retraining my brain and stomach.

thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself a little bit.


  • mmshell16
    I feel the same way! I have been losing since July, cutting out all the bad stuff and exercising. This month I have hit a plateu and even gained once, so I knew I would have to look closer to what I was eating. The first day I put my food in I was over by 700 cals! I have started to look at my food in a whole new light and it isn't pretty. Feeling now like I should eat only food that is grown with a little meat. It is very hard to retrain yourself after eating what you wanted for 40 yrs but I know I can do it and so can you:-)