My secret...

MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
edited October 2024 in Chit-Chat
People always ask me about my skin. I never get blemishes and its always soft and dewy. Sooo, I'd like to share my regiment w/ you fine ladies. I wash my face w/ Cetiphil (best face wash hands down) and I scrub 3xs a week. The homemade scrub is more than likely already in your kitchen! First off if you wear makeup DO NOT go to sleep w/ it on. If you're one to remove your makeup before sleep, please know that makeup removers are filled w/ toxins and all around bad stuff. Trash it. Good ole extra virgin olive oil is the BEST thing to remove you're makeup with. So that's what I use. It leaves your skin moisturized and nourished. Now onto the scrub...

- rinse your face w/ warm water
- drench a cotton round or ball w/ fresh squeezed lemon juice
- top the lemon juice w/ 1tsp of raw sugar
- begin to scrub your face (avoid eyes)
- be sure to scrub your lips (removes dead skin and tastes like lemonade!)
- once the round or ball has become finished if you will, dispose and rinse face w/ warm water again.

OMG you'll be in heaven! Your face will feel like a newborns. Once you try this, you'll be hooked. And your face will thank you! Its absolutely wonderful. Try it and get back to me. Oh... You're welcome! :-)


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