Weight Loss Supplements


I was just wondering if anyone had tried any of the weight loss supplements available and what results they found?

I have heard so many conflicting views on acai berry that i'm not sure if they are a good idea or not. Plus then there are your advertised ones such as Adios which claims to help you lose double what you would on your own.

I have read so many articles and researched so much I'm pretty sure I've gone cross-eyed. I just wondered if there was anyone out there who had actually tried these themselves. Do they work?

Help please?


  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Would be interested to hear more too.. seen a few onsale - anyone have any experience ?

    Seen Alli too - any good ?
  • DownSheGoes

    Was on this for a while. Didn't work at all.

    I suggest going on them only if prescribed by your physician/doctor/nutritionist etc and avoid them if you can and just use your will power and mental strength to reach your goal.
  • abbie017
    I am personally very against weight loss supplements. I took one for about a week and felt my heart racing continuously, didn't sleep for days on end, and felt nauseous most days. I was only taking half of the prescribed dose, so I can't even imagine what a full dose would have done to me. It took a couple weeks for me to fully get rid of all these side effects, too.

    I agree with DownSheGoes, that you should only be taking something like this if a doctor says to. Unfortunately, the quick fix of these pills is nothing more than a hoax that could have detrimental side effects on your health.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member

    I was just wondering if anyone had tried any of the weight loss supplements available and what results they found?

    I have heard so many conflicting views on acai berry that i'm not sure if they are a good idea or not. Plus then there are your advertised ones such as Adios which claims to help you lose double what you would on your own.

    I have read so many articles and researched so much I'm pretty sure I've gone cross-eyed. I just wondered if there was anyone out there who had actually tried these themselves. Do they work?

    Help please?

    Well I have had friends on Phentermine, HCG, and Alli they all lost weight but here are their personal side affects
    Phentermine-heart racing, curbs appetite, makes you really thirsty, works over time but you cant take them forever! Once you get off of them you will gain the weight back
    HCG-good for those who take it and stick to the 500 calorie diet, tired at first but gets better later on in the weeks, weight doesnt stay offf unless you keep intake at a minimum
    Alli- doesnt curb appettite as much as aforementioned but they will have you ****ting all over the place (nothing but oily substance) willlose weight and can keep it off but you will be ****tiing out all teh oils for months after you stop taking it!

    I hope this helps and if i offended anyone..................In my "PINK" voice SO WHAT! nah im sorry just skip me!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Most weight loss supplements do not work....at least they certainly don't work as well as they claim. As for the acai berry stuff, I've read that it doesn't really help with weight loss.

    You can and will lose weight without supplements. I've lost 52 pounds this year without any supplements (well, I have been using some whey protein in the last month...but that's not really a weight loss supplement, its just a way to get quick protein into my diet).
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member

    I was just wondering if anyone had tried any of the weight loss supplements available and what results they found?

    I have heard so many conflicting views on acai berry that i'm not sure if they are a good idea or not. Plus then there are your advertised ones such as Adios which claims to help you lose double what you would on your own.

    I have read so many articles and researched so much I'm pretty sure I've gone cross-eyed. I just wondered if there was anyone out there who had actually tried these themselves. Do they work?

    Help please?

    Well I have had friends on Phentermine, HCG, and Alli they all lost weight but here are their personal side affects
    Phentermine-heart racing, curbs appetite, makes you really thirsty, works over time but you cant take them forever! Once you get off of them you will gain the weight back
    HCG-good for those who take it and stick to the 500 calorie diet, tired at first but gets better later on in the weeks, weight doesnt stay offf unless you keep intake at a minimum
    Alli- doesnt curb appettite as much as aforementioned but they will have you ****ting all over the place (nothing but oily substance) willlose weight and can keep it off but you will be ****tiing out all teh oils for months after you stop taking it!

    I hope this helps and if i offended anyone..................In my "PINK" voice SO WHAT! nah im sorry just skip me!

    and here's the problem with some of the supplements that might work....who can stay on a 500 calorie/day diet long term and is that even good for you long term? if you take something that requires you to restrict your diet (either calorie wise or food wise) in a way that you won't be able to stick with long term, that's just a recipe for adding the weight back whenever you're done with it.

    folks, we didn't add the weight over night and we sure aren't going to lose it over night. there are no quick fixes...especially if you don't want to re-gain the same weight. the good news is that you stick to a healthy lifestyle...and if you have strong enough motivations/desires, you can lose the weight and keep it off.
  • aschultz9
    If there was a pill that works, wouldn't everyone be thin?
  • Melissa110682
    I think these diet supplement pills and the like are a little dodgy. My advice would be to go to a herbalist or naturopath they will be able to but you on vitamins and minerals that your body may be lacking therefore helping your body to function optimally. For example if your thyroid is a little low you will gain weight or find it hard to lose weight, low or underactive thyroid can be caused by a deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals like B12 and other B vitamins just for one such example.
    The reason I advocate natural remedies from naturopaths and herbalists is because there is very little if any side effects when taking natural supplements. In western medicine today medication seems to help but not without causing some kind of harm to the body for example tylenol, panadol ibuprofen and the like are fantastic for pain relief but they are only treating the symptom not the cause of the pain or discomfort and in the meantime giving the body extra work to have to eliminate the extra toxins that you just put in (did you know that anti-inflammatory medication can cause irreversable damage to your kidneys if taken too often?).
    So my opinion after that long ramble is seek natural medicine from reputable herbalists or naturopath if you find a resonably priced practicioner it may even work out cheaper!:happy:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Acai has a very high ORAC score, but it will not do anything for weight loss, it may have some benefit for CV health though. the research isn't yet complete on it, but there is nothing at all indicating it aids in weight loss in anyway
  • ckspores
    if there was something that worked consistently without side effects, there would be a lot less overweight people.
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    OK, I'm going to ask the question then - are there any meal replacements that you guys are using to keep your calories in check? I know a lot of people who swear by a protein shake for lunch or dinner, but I have a hard time with that.

  • ckspores
    OK, I'm going to ask the question then - are there any meal replacements that you guys are using to keep your calories in check? I know a lot of people who swear by a protein shake for lunch or dinner, but I have a hard time with that.


    I don't typically do meal replacement shakes or bars unless it is my only option. I just feel better eating actual food than drinking a protein shake. Typically, though, I will make a green monster shake if I'm running late in the morning and take it with me to work (almond milk, spinach, banana, or whatever).
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Food high in protein, and a moderate deficit but not constant. Sometimes a surplus is good. Everyone want to 'boost metabolism' right? The best way to do that is to build some muscle.
  • Melissa110682
    My sister in law does the meal replacement shakes and her weight goes up and down, the reason is because she's really not learning how to eat healthier or fill that void that food usually does.
    I think meal replacements have their place in weight loss but honestly I think learning how to eat properly and responsibly is the only foolproof way to loose weight. There is no fast track what you put into your health and fitness regime is what you will get out of it plus patience patience patience.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    want a one-size-fits-all answer? here it is.

    pay attention.

    you may want to write this down.

    drumroll please...

    the answer is - thermodynamics. burn more than you consume. simple science.

    if you want to actually be healthy and not suffer the side effects of malnutrition, well that's a whole new conversation, but it sounds like you aren't terribly concerned with your overall health.
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks all re supplements/shakes.

    I think i'm going to continue to use them as extra protein but try to find a way to get in my 3 meals and snacks through relatively unprocessed foods... Much appreciated.
  • Victoria141090
    want a one-size-fits-all answer? here it is.

    pay attention.

    you may want to write this down.

    drumroll please...

    the answer is - thermodynamics. burn more than you consume. simple science.

    if you want to actually be healthy and not suffer the side effects of malnutrition, well that's a whole new conversation, but it sounds like you aren't terribly concerned with your overall health.

    I am concerned with my overall health because I'm asking about supplements to take alongside my diet, not replace my healthy eating lifestyle.

    When you say thermodynamics, if my intake for the day was 1200 calories would you suggest exercising to burn at least 1201?