New here and getting back in shape

Hey all,

I'm new here. I've been active most of my life but two years ago quit working out and eating right while I was planning my wedding. Four dress sizes and 30 pounds later, I've decided it's time to do something about it. The only problem is I'm heavier than I've ever been in my life so going from zero to five miles on the treadmill in a week isn't happening this time around.

So I'm counting calories and slowly working up to the workouts I used to do every day. Is anyone else out there trying to get their mojo back?



  • I hear ya. I danced for 18 years of my life and stopped about 2 years ago to travel. My body has, to say the least, reacted by widening and the number on the scale isn't so pretty. I have decided to join this to help keep me motivated. I haven't quite figured out what works for me yet though. I know working out is key to my success but it seems to easy for me to find ANYTHING else to do during those times. Any suggestions?
  • I have a very high pressure job, do a lot of volunteering and have a very time consuming hobby, so I understand how easy it is to let other things get in the way of working out. Right now I'm trying to make working out part of my daily routine, so it becomes something I just do out of habit. For example, every Saturday morning I work out with a masters swim team. And that workout keeps me motivated to get back in the gym throughout the week.

    I'm trying to get into a schedule of running and lifting throughout the week that gets me in the gym four days a week. Once I get a schedule that works for me figured out, I'm going to put it in my calendar on my phone so I don't schedule anything that gets in the way.

    I also have a friend who does Iron Man Triathlons who asks me how my running is going every time we talk. He's in amazing shape, like cover of Men's Health shape, so I feel like I need to have an answer that shows I'm making progress when we talk, so that keeps me motivated.