Excerise at home

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has found any great/new/fun exercises that are great for around the house. I don't have the money to join and gym so right now I'm just doing exercises around the home. Sit ups, arm exercises with spaghetti sauce cans =), jogging in place, dancing, etc. If anyone has some advice or would like to share any fun please do! Thank you and have a great day!!


  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    Netflixs actually has some workout DVDs on them for free if you are netflix user. I saw this threading on The Knot, havent tried it yet.
    Jilliam Michaels has some nice DVDs, did the 30 day shred, shes hard core. I threw something at my TV when working out with her. She kept saying "Dont phone this one in" and i had had it with her! But she works =)

    I run/bike outside.
    Resistance bands and small hand weights.

    Also on Youtube there are some pretty intense and free work outs on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u83bMnU-9tE
  • CMR12
    lol, yeah I heard she's crazy intense! Thanks! I'll look into the netflix thing.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    If you have cable, exercise tv has some great workouts including some Jillian Michaels ones. I need to follow a workout on my tv at home because I'm just not disciplined enough to do different exercises on my own. I've gotten really into pilates that way. I also run outside for free. :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm not wanting to spend money on a gym membership either, so I picked up a Jillian Michaels DVD almost 2 years ago. Now I have 5 or 6. :bigsmile: Great home workouts, and very affordable. They run $9 - $12 at Target, but you can sometimes get them on sale for around $8. You need a couple of dumbbells for many of her workouts, start with 3 or 5lbs, which you can also get on sale at Target sometimes. Or check a thrift store - I work at a local thrift shop and we get dumbbells and yoga mats all the time.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Not exactly a routine, but a few ideas;

    Push ups
    Sit ups
    Pull ups, if possible
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    That's great that you are open to ideas for around the house!

    Do you have stairs? Run up them twice every hour
    Planks (elbows and toes)
    Squats while doing dishes/cooking
    Lunges while vacuuming/walking around
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I work out at "home" and, in addition to using some home gym equipment, do the following (which IMO are equally as effective as the stuff I do with equipment):

    1. jog outside.

    2. alternative sprint interval (HIIT) training 2x per week (you can do this up to 3x per week depending on what else you do). the different types of HIIT I do are: (a) sprint for 10-15 seconds, rest, repeat for 6-12 intervals; (b) jog for a minute; sprint for 10-15 seconds, repeat for up to 20 intervals; (c) sprint for 10-15 seconds, do a bodyweight exercise, rest, repeat for 6-12 intervals with different bodyweight exercises.

    3. There are a ton of bodyweight exercises you can do....and, notably, sit-ups are not one of the good ones (planks are much better). you can find different bodyweight exercises on youtube, by checking out Craig Ballantyne's turbulence training system (he has a 6 month program simply involving bodyweight exercises), or by checking out www.bodyrock.tv (Zuzana has some pretty amazing work-outs that take a short amount of time).

    4. ride my bike.

    5. sadly, using cans of ravioli aren't going to do much. researching bodyweight exercises and doing those will make a world of difference.

    6. a stability ball is relatively cheap ($10ish) and there are several good exercises to be performed on a stability ball).