Sugar, sugar, everywhere!!

Help! So, I JUST ate, rather, drank breakfast. I had a Carnation Instant Breakfast pack mixed with 1% milk. I just upped my weight loss goal to 1.5 lbs. per week instead of 1 lb. a week. Now, I know with that comes different goals for the amounts of nutrients in my diet. I know sugar isn't the best thing to eat but I feel it's almost everywhere! I know there's the option to buy sugar free but you can't buy sugar free fruit etc! Yesterday for instance I ate a banana and found out that took up the majority of my sugar intake allowance.

My question is, does anyone else have this issue?! I really am trying to avoid sugary food but even when I do I find it comes in SOMEWHERE. I'm kind of annoyed that my breakfast just swallowed my sugar allowance so now when I eat something that has even 2g of sugar it'll appear as if I've gone overboard!


  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
  • nph1960
    nph1960 Posts: 57 Member
    Yep, we've all had that sugar shock.

    A lot of us just ignore the sugar from "real" food, like fresh fruit, and try to strictly limit the sugar from processed foods, like the instant breakfast. Fresh fruit with greek yogurt would be a better alternative.

    Good luck!
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    The sugar limits on MFP are pretty low, so I wouldn't put that much concern over fruit's sugar. Do you have the time/appetite for an egg sandwich in the mornings? that'll give you some protein, or oatmeal, rather than the breakfast shakes. Or how about greek yogurt?
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    I was looking at that yesterday and my breakfast of All bran and banana had nearly half the sugar for the day. (The banana being the culprit)
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    Your body is designed to handle natural sugars. Also, remember that natural foods take up to 30% more calories to process, so you're definitely coming out ahead by eating fruits and veggies. I complain about the same thing with salt. Why is it in everything!
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm with nph1960...

    I am pretty much a vegan/raw foodist. Very rarly have fish and/or beans. With the amount of fresh veggies and fruit I must eat everyday to get my calories/nutrients in I ALWAYS go over my sugar "allowance". I ignore those numbers but do keep track if I eat any processed sugars of any sort. Trust me, the banana is FAR better for you than all the preservatives and garbage in the "breakfast drink mix". If God made it, it is for us to eat! Good luck. You are doing great. You look fabulous!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Help! So, I JUST ate, rather, drank breakfast. I had a Carnation Instant Breakfast pack mixed with 1% milk. I just upped my weight loss goal to 1.5 lbs. per week instead of 1 lb. a week. Now, I know with that comes different goals for the amounts of nutrients in my diet. I know sugar isn't the best thing to eat but I feel it's almost everywhere! I know there's the option to buy sugar free but you can't buy sugar free fruit etc! Yesterday for instance I ate a banana and found out that took up the majority of my sugar intake allowance.

    My question is, does anyone else have this issue?! I really am trying to avoid sugary food but even when I do I find it comes in SOMEWHERE. I'm kind of annoyed that my breakfast just swallowed my sugar allowance so now when I eat something that has even 2g of sugar it'll appear as if I've gone overboard!

    I eat fruit w/ no limit. I don't mind the sugars that come from fruit. However, I don't have much at all in the way of processed sugar foods.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I've had this instant breakfast in the pantry for a while and typically I go for cheerios or yogurt but I felt like changing it up. It came as a shock to me to eat it and realize afterward I consumed too much sugar. I do go for walk/run in the mornings after breakfast so something not too heavy is what I prefer for breakfast.

    I'm staying away from eggs for now see as how eating two eggs goes over in cholesterol. I bought egg beaters the other day and omg they taste horrible :frown:
  • Echoing what's been said here, the other thing to keep in mind is that with whole fresh fruit, you also are eating fiber to go along with the natural sugar. Juices have all the sugar, but not the fiber...bad.
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    if you're not diabetic and most of your sugar intake comes from organic sources, i wouldn't obsess over the numbers. i've gone over for sugar every single day for two weeks. one teaspoon of that was from table sugar. the rest was in fruits and vegetables and grains. (hedgehogs like their fruits and veggies!) however i do limit e.g., bananas and dried fruit.

    to put it in perspective, one day i tried to stick to mfp's recommended sugar intake for me (24g). got there by lunchtime. i'd only gotten 2 servings of fruits and 1 veggie. i'm pretty sure it's healthier to have the salad than to obsess about a few grams of natural sugars from the tomatoes and carrots. :) on the other hand, if that sugar is coming from cookies... you know the drill!
  • I'm staying away from eggs for now see as how eating two eggs goes over in cholesterol. I bought egg beaters the other day and omg they taste horrible :frown:

    For the most part, the advice I've seen is that the dietary cholesterol isn't that important...fat and sugar are much more so.

    But, if you're concerned about that, and if it's appetizing for you, you can use just the egg whites. The cholesterol is all in the yolk.
  • I am diabetic so I'm always watching my sugar. I have switched over to using only Walden Farms Sugar Free, Carb Free, Calorie Free salad dressings, jellys & bbq sauces. This feels like such a calorie/sugar savings. Some of their products taste odd, but with the exception of a few salad dressings these have been very yummy. The bbq sauce went undecteced as a sugarfree at a recent family event.
  • jtbaddison
    jtbaddison Posts: 134 Member
    Sugar (and sodium) is in almost all processed foods. Its in almost all "low fat" items also. Eat "clean foods" not made by a chemist in a factory and use your sugar for real fruit, and you will do much better.

    Hope that helps! I went through the same thing myself.