Is It Ok?



  • MandaLen13
    MandaLen13 Posts: 151 Member
    to all the people who said skipping meals slows your metabolism and can hinder weight loss, how do these studies back that up?

    This study shows there was no difference in weight loss between subjects with high/low meal frequencie­s.

    Evidence supports that meal frequency has nothing to do with energy in the subjects.

    Yet again, no difference in energy in the subjects compared to 2 meals/d to 6 meals/d.

    Eur J Clin Nutr. 1991 Mar;45(3):­161-9.Link­s
    Influence of the feeding frequency on nutrient utilizatio­n in man: consequenc­es for energy metabolism­.

    Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Apr;25(4):­519-28.Lin­ks
    Compared with nibbling, neither gorging nor a morning fast affect short-term energy balance in obese patients in a chamber calorimete­r.

    Thank you for this! and just to clarify for everybody else, I am not going hungry during the day so that I can binge at night. I usually dont eat breakfast until 10:30 or 11:00 and I do have a snack around 2:00 but lately I just dont feel like eating an acutal lunch. I'd rather save up and have a nice healthy dinner with my husband and a little treat in the evening. Thanks everybody for your opinions and advice
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    As long as you are under your calories, you will lose weight!

    However, I have often heard that it is a healthy option to eat several smaller meals per day rather than 2-3 larger ones...

    If your settings are at 2lbs a week, then u will lose weight as long as you don't go over ur calories by more than 1000. If ur at 1lb a week, then don't go more than 500 over and u will still lose weight..and if ur at half pound a week, then don't go more than 250 calories over what mfp tells u.... u don't always want to be under calories, in fact if mfp tells u to be at 1200calories, and u were to stay under that, u would be more likely to go into starvation mode, so staying at ur calorie goal (and not under) is the best, but if u go over, it doesn't matter, as long as u don't go too far over...
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    In my experience, I've found that breaking the "rules" every once in a while does not have a negative impact on my weight loss. I've gone through days where I've hardly drank any water, ate 600 calories, eaten really late at night, and it did not have an effect on the scale. Since you are only talking about skipping lunch ONE day, I doubt there will be any consequences. If you were to skip meals everyday, my guess is you might see a drop in your energy level. I skipped dinner last night and was so tired that I went to bed at 9pm lol. But everyone is different.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Skipping meals can cause weight GAIN even if you don't binge later :( it slows your metabolism.
    It's best to have 5-6 small meals everyday instead.

    It also depends on WHEN you eat dinner.
    Eating after 7 p.m. causes weight gain and unwanted fat storage.
    Especially if you eat a BIG dinner because you skipped lunch.

    If you eat your big dinner before 7 p.m. you SHOULD be okay. BUT if you find yourself not losing weight (or losing weight right away and gaining it back later or having heavy bloating/fatigue) you're body might be fighting against you for skipping meals and you should switch back to eating all 3 meals or 5-6 small meals daily :)

    Hope I helped!

    Id like to say that 7pm is not some cut off point that's the same for everyone... if u go to bed at 10pm, then yea, don't eat past 7, but if ur like me, who goes to bed at midnight, then you can eat up until 9pm...never eat within 3hours of bed, whatever time that may be for you. Also, ur night snack shouldn't be carbs (and ideally u want a low carb dinner) because your body can't burn off the carbs before bed time.. but I always eat carbs with dinner and im fine...they say to have the most carbs with breakfast and lunch so ur body has the whole rest of the day to burn them.

    This is completely false. You can eat right before you slam your eyes shut and as long as you didn't go over your calories for the are going to lose weight. You can eat carbs at any point in the day as well. I really don't know where people get these wacky ideas....your body doesn't turn off for the night and DOES keep burning calories.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    This is completely false. You can eat right before you slam your eyes shut and as long as you didn't go over your calories for the are going to lose weight. You can eat carbs at any point in the day as well. I really don't know where people get these wacky ideas....your body doesn't turn off for the night and DOES keep burning calories.

    what he said.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member

    Id like to say that 7pm is not some cut off point that's the same for everyone... if u go to bed at 10pm, then yea, don't eat past 7, but if ur like me, who goes to bed at midnight, then you can eat up until 9pm...never eat within 3hours of bed, whatever time that may be for you. Also, ur night snack shouldn't be carbs (and ideally u want a low carb dinner) because your body can't burn off the carbs before bed time.. but I always eat carbs with dinner and im fine...they say to have the most carbs with breakfast and lunch so ur body has the whole rest of the day to burn them.

    I eat dinner and fall asleep sometimes within half an hour and I have a difficult time gaining weight, "can't explain that" Bill O'Reily reference.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    yes, it's perfectly fine. at the end of the day all that matters is if you maintain a caloric deficit or not


    err wait what did you say?

    Oh yeah so yeah I don't believe it matters. Basic calories in, calories out. Create a deficit and you will lose weight. And it DOES NOT matter if you eat before bedtime..the only thing that matters is what you eat as it may contribute to you feeling like a bloated mess in the morning.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    You don't want to put your body into "starvation mode" and sabotage your diet.

    When you skip meals your metabolism slows down so you are not burning calories like you should. Your body thinks that you are starving, so when you eat again, your body stores away more than usual resulting in more fat. The best thing is to eat every 3 hours with 5-6 small meals per day.

    There is absolutely no evidence in clinical studies for this. In fact the "starvation" effect does not happen for at least 48 and even in studies up to 72 hours of not eating anything at all or after a long term sever calorie deficit. In fact in at least the first 24 hours of fasting your metabolism will actually increase to aid you in hunting down your next meal. Humanity never would have survived for the last several thousand years if people bodies started slowing down after only 2-3 hours of not eating. For that matter in 2-3 hours your previous meal is still digesting, so there is no way your body will go into "starvation mode" if you don't eat every 2-3 hours. This is probably one of the most untrue and hardest to stamp out myths of eating out there.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    As long as u keep in mind that ur metabolism runs its fastest if u eat 6x a day and not eating for several hours will slow down ur metabolism and that u wont burn as many calories for ur bigger dinner... id snack throughout the day, instead of meals, to gain extraa dinner calories... like a granola bar for breakfast, a veggie couple hours later, some low cal crackers and cheese for" lunch", a fruit or veggie for afternoon snack...and then ud have tons of cal for dinner. Water will help with hunger urges.

    Also, if u got in a workout, u wouldn't need to skip meals, ud have extra calories u earned from your workout...

    Eating 6x per day has zero effect on increasing metabolism.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    yes, it's perfectly fine. at the end of the day all that matters is if you maintain a caloric deficit or not


    err wait what did you say?

    Oh yeah so yeah I don't believe it matters. Basic calories in, calories out. Create a deficit and you will lose weight. And it DOES NOT matter if you eat before bedtime..the only thing that matters is what you eat as it may contribute to you feeling like a bloated mess in the morning.

    What these people said...

    Do whatever works for you on a daily basis within your goals. I'll often skip breakfast if I know I'm going out for a meal....sometimes I've not eaten until I've gone out for the meal (when my cals were 1200). It all worked out okay in the end! : )
  • Kailapea
    Tho there is a lot of debate on the subject I often do the same thing, to some degree. I will eat breakfast and a good lunch and will often not eat dinner then have a snack later. I try not to go too far under my caloric goals though, because you don't want to put your body in starvation mode. Logically it seems that you have to listen to your body.. If you are hungry, eat. If not so much just have something small, a piece of fruit or something.
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    yes, it's perfectly fine. at the end of the day all that matters is if you maintain a caloric deficit or not

    I second that