5'2---- Goal Weight and Fitness Goals?



  • mrsmccullen07
    Hey :) I am 5'2 and started out at 210lbs I am now down to 187lbs and have my final goal weight sat at 135lbs but I will reevaluate when I get there :):)

    I "look" smaller than I am my dr. last week actually had me go out and weigh again b/c he thought there was no way I weighed that much so if that stays the same 135 will probably be as low as I go !! I want to wear single digits again some kinda bad!!
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I round myself up to 5'2 but I am really 5'1.75!! Lol! I started out on here at 160 and I am curently 148. In highschool I was normally around 115-120, for awhile I was 110 but that didn't look good. Well a few years later and a divorce brought me back to 120 after putting weight on and it looked great to me, so that is now my goal weight to be between 120 and 125. I have hips so I will probably never be a size 2, but I want to try and get back in some 4s!! Great job on your weight loss and good luck!!!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I'm 5'2" and I started at 176 and my goal is 136!

    I enjoy curves, I want to look like a lady and not a stick. I have never seen the appeal in being super thin, don't women want to look like curvy sexy women? lol
  • alapoint89
    i have the same goal as you but i want a lot of muscles
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    i have the same goal as you but i want a lot of muscles

    I want a lot of muscles too but I want to get down to the goal weight before I work on that part. Taking this one step at a time. :)
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    I am 5'2 and a long time ago in high school I wrestled on the boys team at 135pds after high school I had a baby,went on birth control and between taking care of my son and caring for my disabled mother I ballooned up to 287pds. 2 years worth of walking and I was down to 262 but when mom died I fell off the bandwagon for a bit. I have never been on a diet and never tried to work out more then 15 minutes a day so this is all new to me. I now walk 2.5 hours a day and jog for 15 minutes. With a diet now and my walking plan I hope to get down to 151 which is way better for me then the 251 I am currently flaunting. Good luck on your journey :)
  • countlessnumbers
    I'm 5'2, I started at 129. I want to be some where in between 102-115.
  • hml1976
    5'2.5" My goal weight is 120, although I wouldn't be upset with 118 :)

    My fitness goals are becoming clearer the closer I get to my GW. I would like to be stronger than I've ever been, have more endurance than I've ever had and never have back pain again. (Ha!)

    ETA I'd also like around 20% body fat
  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5'3"
    Starting weight: 265
    Current weight: 257
    Ultimate goal weight 130. First goal weight though is 200.

    I'm working with a dietitian too. Right now I'm trying to up my general daily activity (cleaning, walking the dogs, etc.) and doing calisthenics 15 minutes a day at least 3 days a week.

    I'm curvy but I'm going to be really working Pilates so I can work on the long and lean as much as possible.