New Here-


My name is Chris, I'm 25, live on Long Island, and I'm new here obviously.

My cousin directed me to this website, he uses it to count calories when he's trying to cut weight. He's a professional MMA fighter, and I go to all of his fights, even flew to Scotland with him for the WKA world championships. Ideally, I'd like to lose some more weight and get in the gym with him and help him get ready for his fights and such.

I'll mainly be using this website for ideas on what I can do differently and what I can do to improve my weight lose. I've been battling with my weight issues all of my life, I've lost weight here and there, but it never lasted. When I was 19 I was at my thinnest, roughly 265, at my worst I've been all the way up to 353.

I recently had the Lap Band surgery (6/7/11) and am having great success with it, haven't gone for any fills yet, but I've been dieting and exercising hard. I've lost close to 80 pounds in the last 4 or so months and would like to keep that up. I want to get the weight off and keep it off, my goal weight would be 185 and I'm working my way towards it.
