Feeling Heavy.....yuck

dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
Somehow I just knew that 185 was going to be my first plateau. And I was right!!! Almost a week ago I got down to 185.2 and since then am 'up' to 185.8. Not a huge difference or even statistically significant but in almost a week I haven't lost either. My calories are always low so I started wondering if they were too low and that I needed to get closer to my allotted amount for my estimated 1lb/week weight loss this site gives me. I'm almost always under by 200 calories or more and sometimes a lot more if I exercise. I exercise at night and just can't eat that much in the evening!!!

So for lunch today I had a chicken burrito from Trader Joe's and it is really good!!!! And only 360 calories. I added a salad with toppings to that and actually was a smidge over 500 calories (which is probably where I should be mid day). But I feel like I've eaten soooo much and that's a weird feeling. Not feeling overstuffed but satisfied.

I hope this works.....any advice?!?!


  • You have come pretty far already, the first 10 is difficult to lose! Your lunch sounds great and healthy. It's good to feel satiated rather than stuffed (:wink: keep that in mind!). As far as plateauing goes, just mix up your exercise routine a little bit -- try something a little different (swimming/yoga/long walks/weight training), something new! Keep drinking lots of water and stay positive! You'll get there.
  • i have the same issue but you also have to watch your sodium intake. That has helped me. Your body will retain water with how much sodium you have eaten also watch the carb intake. I have pretty much cut out the breads from my diet and at the 25# loss. I weigh in on Monday because last week I didn't loose any but I think I will be back on track this week. Calories are just a number without watching everything. Hang in there, it's all worth it.
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! Sounds like you are eating the right food, diary looks good, but it just doesn't feel good. Guilt takes over. I try to think about what my doctor told me. Stop worrying about losing weight an start eating healthier! That's what I try to do. Lately I've been making some bad food choices...( fritos, little debbies). And then my friend told me to be like Dory in Finding Nemo. I hear Ellen De Generous in my head saying ..." just keep swimming" lol ( I tell everyone that story) Keep doing what you're doing. Watch portion sizes, eat healthy!
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    When I hit my plateau, i upped my calories. I was scared as hell to do it, but I figured I can adjust it back if it backfires. I also drink about a gallon of water and highly recommend it. That way you are certain that you're not retaining water. I see all over this site people saying that you need to adjust as you go and it may be time to adjust. This all worked for me. I wish the best of luck for you!
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