New, Nervous, Complicated!

Hey everyone!

I need to loose weight. My BMI I just learned is 30.6. That puts me .6 into the obese category. I've lived a very stressful existence this past year. As I type this, I watch the clock to make sure we won't be late for my daughters Dr. appointment. She was born last September at 30 weeks gestation which was very tough. But, that tough situation turned extremely difficult when rare complex cardiac defects were discovered on day three of her life.

My child has died 4 times.

Needless to say, I've been struggling with the stress and therefore struggling with my weight.

Our daughter is doing wonderful now. She is currently sitting in front of me tube free sucking on her thumb (which is super awesome).

She is my motivation. It is not fair to her to have an overweight mother. How is it fair for me to send myself toward cardiac problems when I can make a choice not to. She wasn't born with the choice to have a healthy heart. I was and I've been choosing to destroy it. I need to do this so I can be there for her when she is older. I can't teach her to be heart healthy when I am not that way myself.

I've tried loosing weight since I was a teen. I always fail. But I liken it to my mother. She failed quitting smoking many times... but then finally, she was able to stick to it. I'm hoping this is my time to stick to it and actually help myself.

I have a blog that I recently started to help vent about my life and post about my weight struggles. If you'd like to snoop in on my life and give me support the URL is

I hope to get to know some of you.

Thanks for your time!
Tara =)


  • pattybond1234
    pattybond1234 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like you've got a great start and a motivated attitude. So sorry for your struggles. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are, after all, only human. Forget your past mistakes and just move forward. Remember to take this in baby steps. Conquer one small hurdle at a time and, before you know, you'll have overcome all your obstacles. Best wishes to you for a wonderful "good-health" journey and I hope your little one continues to prosper and bring you joy.:bigsmile:
  • armywhit
    I am glad to hear your daughter is doing well now!!! Weight loss can be very stressful and depressing at times. A good support system always helps no matter where it comes from. This site is great too becasue it helps put in prespective what your taking in everyday and you get an idea of what os good and not so good to eat! I know when I first started I was amazed. Good luck to you on your journey and stay positive.

  • magickclaire
    that is a beautiful yet deeply tragic story : ( <3

    you can add me as a friend if you like, I'm rather good at pointing out flaws in peoples food diaries i.e when they think they've done well and dont lose weight, Im usually rather good at noticing why that is... I've studied nutrition :) and helping them with exercise .etc : ) I went from an overweight cripple to running half marathons : D

    Hope to hear from you <3
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Hi Tara!

    Like you, losing weight has been a lifelong struggle. I found MFP this past July. I enjoy it because by keeping a diary of my food intake and my weight it keeps me focused on what I need to do every day.

    I also love this site because all the success stories are hugely motivating to me. Seeing what people can do with just a year of effort amazes and inspires me to stick it out, too.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • TaraTLC83
    TaraTLC83 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm on day 3 of my "journey" and still sticking to everything!
  • Shell3399
    Shell3399 Posts: 13 Member

    I can relate to your struggles, this is an excellent outlet for support, tips and the path to weight loss. I was happy to read on and hear that she was there with you. I have no children came very close but unfortunately my baby passed away.

    I am tired of the roller coaster so this time I am sticking to the plan and losing the weight. If you want motivation just check out the members on this board… they are losing like no tomorrow. Feel free to add me to your list.