Ok Guys I Have A Question For You...



  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    if I had no toes he would have no idea!
  • theberg
    Women have toes? I've never been able to get past my wife's legs.... :-D
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Given that my toenails are mutant little wastes of time, I would go with none, for me.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Really?!?! We have to notice when you get a new outfit,do your hair, get manicures, get a tan, wear different jewlery, and now you wanna throw this *kitten* at us:-/..... how about whatever color you like just go with that.
  • PBJunkie
    Maroon, black and french gets me all warm and fuzzy inside
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Doesn't really matter. "boss" toes get points taken off.

    what are "boss" toes???
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Natural is best but if you must then pink or any bright summery color. Anything but dark colors.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I like black!!! it's my fave. Though I've been using pastel-y colors lately.. black all the way.
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    depends on the season. summer..iam tan, so i like fluorescent colors. hubby doesn't care..he likes my feet. :blushing:
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    I paint them whatever color I want...if my man doesn't like it, he can paint his own damn toes whatever color HE wants.

    LOL...love it.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    Lately, been digging black
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Toes =/= sexy! lol ewww I hate feet!

    But mine are hot pink at the moment and the fiance doesn't mind it.
  • RocketsGirl75
    Really?!?! We have to notice when you get a new outfit,do your hair, get manicures, get a tan, wear different jewlery, and now you wanna throw this *kitten* at us:-/..... how about whatever color you like just go with that.

    LMAO! Dude it was just a question.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    There aren't many bad colors, really.
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    My BF lie my sparkly purple the best.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Really?!?! We have to notice when you get a new outfit,do your hair, get manicures, get a tan, wear different jewlery, and now you wanna throw this *kitten* at us:-/..... how about whatever color you like just go with that.

    i'm with this guy.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    My hubby could care less, he's color blind... I on the other hand tend to go more bright during the summer and darker in the winter. I tan very easily so I usually go for a hot pink or a very pinky glittery color during the summer time. During fall and winter, it's either red or a deep burgundy. It also depends on the holidays too. :D
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    Black or dark brown
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    First thought that came to mind...."who gives a crap". I then took a breath and tried to focus, still the same answer....

    Go like my Facebook page: AskBeef
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i love clear with french tips