boost your metabolism

i wanna know if there is some food or drinks that may help boost your metabolism and therefor lose weight faster ??


  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I use B-6 and B 100's. I also take cinnamon capsules and swear by them.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Becareful with anything that will "make you lose weight faster"

    drink LOTS of green tea, they are not kidding!
  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    Exercise will boost your metabolism. Also eating multiple meals a day. Obviously don't eat 5 one thousand calorie meals, but space out smaller meals.
  • Runsforfood05
    Runsforfood05 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks i'll try those :)
  • Drink lots of ice cold water, and eat every 4 hours. Exercise. Its really the best way.. Coffee and tea does help though..
  • Drink lots of ice cold water, and eat every 4 hours. Exercise. Its really the best way.. Coffee and tea does help though..
  • Runsforfood05
    Runsforfood05 Posts: 15 Member
    i do drink green tea but usually just one cup a day since i don't use sugar with it and i get fed up with the way it taste :s
  • I watch calories and exercise about the only thing I use is I drink a spark drink before workout in the morning (5:30am) and while I am exercising drink a rehydrate drink. Information on these at the link below. My husband uses the MNS Max C from this site to curb his appetite and it has worked for him. He has lost over 50 pounds and he didn't think it would work
    I also drink a spark drink in the afternoon instead of drinking a Diet Dr Pepper, the spark gives me a boost and some vitamins instead of the empy nothing of the soda.
    Everyone is different and what works for one may not work for another, you have to find what works for you. Check the link out and see what you think.
  • I make pitchers of green tea to drink iced and I usually add either a mint tea bag or a fruit-flavored tea bag to give it a little zing.

    Spices that improve metabolism include cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric, curry powder, and cayenne pepper. Plus eating hot peppers helps.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks, Deanna! Excellent site!