Do you go somewhere to run, or just your neighborhood?



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I do a little bit of everything. I live a little bit out in the country so running from home is nice, but very, very hilly. I live close to a few parks that I can run or drive to and run the trails, or the lake path. I also really like running "rail to trail" paths. They are nice flat crushed limestone surfaces. Its the scenery of a nice trail, with the smoothness of a paved road with less shock. Perfect for my long runs.
    Unless I am travelling somewhere, I almost never run in a neighborhood or city setting.
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    You know what was really nice?? I didn't run it, but the kids & I walked around our old the very back was a really pretty body of water...I loved going back there. Of course I don't k now that I'd drive over there just to run LOL.

    I run on the treadmill LOL...when A leaves I won't even have an opportunity run outside.
  • I run around my neighborhood and sometimes near my bf's apartment. I live on a plateau so there are TONS of hills... it's pretty.. but tough! Once you get bored of your route, try a new one. Are there any local parks? After running outside, it's now very hard for me to run on a treadmill, I get very bored and can't stop looking at the distance lol
  • Dander
    Dander Posts: 26 Member
    I live in London and I run around the streets - I like it because there are always tons of people around and I always make more of an effort when people are watching :)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I hate running "city" streets even though I don't live in a very big city. I prefer to run long country roads, irrigation ditches, or corn fields if possible. I prefer loops our one way runs, the out and backs bore me so I try to plan a route to a friends house where they can bring me back home when I'm done.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    i go to and i map out a course. I need to change my routes constantly so i dont get bored
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    we have a public trail in town that I use (paved) also like to use the trails at the parks (not paved but gravel)
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    My county has some really great greenways.. about 11 miles or so worth so I typically go there. One connects to my gym and the gym has childcare, huge plus! Sometimes I will run from home and run my neighborhood and surrounding streets. I live in the country so it's peaceful and rarely do I see any cars, unless I get out on the highway.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    When I trail run I drive to the trail head.

    On pavement, I have a loop I run right from my house, or if I'm in the mood I can drive to a local walking/running "trail" (it's an old rail road route that they paved over) and run that.
  • I live in the country to say the least I have 2 options for running and I actually enjoy both of them .. one is a new neighborhood that has been in the works for the last 10years beside me it only has 2 houses in it but from driveway to the end of it and back to my driveway is 1.7miles and its wooded and green and last time we ran/walked all the way to the back the boys were so happy to see 3 deer back there grazing :) I like it but I honestly try and save it for the days I push the stroller and dont run as much since it does hurt my feet .. the other option I have is my husbands family farm across the road I have to walk .4miles down the road to get to there dirt path but then its 3 miles to the back and all kinds of path off of there I haven't ventured down yet ... Its awesome its a dirt path surronded by fields I love being back there :) And I feel safer back there than anywhere else!!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I run in my town, i've been doing it for a few years so I'm comfortable with the streets,etc. only thing is sometimes there are no sidewalks, so i have to run in the street, but most people are pretty good when they see me running in the street.
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