What's a good consequence for cheating ?



  • For me, the added exercise is not for punishment, it is simply to offset the added calories. Why punish yourself? Just forget it and move on.
  • ChelseaL618
    ChelseaL618 Posts: 20 Member
    Instead of punishing yourself when you slip up, reward yourself when you do a good job! For example, If I workout 3 times a week for a month, then I am going to let myself join a real gym. My second reward will be $10 toward new clothes every time I work out.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I don't know if this helps or not but I enter my food on mfp before I eat it so I can see what the damage is. By doing this, if I mess up, I immediately enter that info and then try to make up for some of it on the other meals. For example, when I entered a baked potato for tonight, it put me over so I switched to green beans. As for the Pop Tarts - if I was naturally skinny, I would eat Pop Tarts for every meal. I absolutely love them and miss them so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you are human to me. Tomorrow is another day.
  • 48 hours in the stocks, a round of thumbscrews, and a trip to the iron maiden.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    oooooooo become a hair cutter, give yourself a mullet, that'd teach ya! lol jk

    btw, bill, love the new pic!! but wheres the stroller? home? or is it going down a hill and you're chasing it?

    Don't want to steal the thread. my pic is of my first race. I know you can't see the numbers. I didn't run with the stroller.

    Lot of good points. Just don't beat yourself up. If I mess up, I usually end the day with a beer, if its anything to you.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    don't beat yourself up... just move on. try to work in extra exercise if you still feel awful and can't let something like this go. the fact that you had so many poptarts leads me to think this was emotional eating (not completely hunger). i may not be correct, but if it is, try to sit back, breathe, and figure out what is really bothering you... then try to move forward (without food) and address your real concerns. i know, a lot easier said than done.

    another tactic would be to not have 'junk' available in the house. even if you do really want/need it, it wouldn't be available to you.
  • When I have a cheat day I just add some more excersize and I usually do the excersize I like the least!
  • aclark41
    aclark41 Posts: 21 Member
    work for the carrot rather than trying to avoid the stick...makes for a more successful life in general...positive rewards as opposed to negative sanctions...
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    If you play a game of basketball, do you quit if you miss a basket? No, you keep playing till the game is over no matter how many fouls you make. Over-indulging and going over your calories happens but it shouldn't deter you, just remember it next time the temptation comes and tone it down a little. Like many people have said, don't deprive yourself of what you like because you need to reward yourself for all the hard work you put in. Think of your calories like your budget; once in a while if you want to splurge on something fancy, make sure you can afford it. If you have to use the credit card (going over you cals), just try to pay it back over the next week or so.
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    Thank you! You all had really good responses and I thank you so much for taking the time to come to my aid. I am going to do better- and were the calories worth it? Nope! There are many changes I need to make to my lifestyle and exercise has been my number 1, so now I will work on planning out my meals better- I loved the idea of putting inputting my food I will be eating, so I can see where my numbers will be. Thanks again. I wish you all well in your journey to success. Tomorrow is a new day- Be of good cheer!
  • Gillby
    Gillby Posts: 22 Member
    Work out the calories of the 'naughty', work out the amount of exercise required to burn it off and add that to your weeks worth of exercise. Do this everytime you eat something you shouldn't or binge. In saying that though; if you eat right, exercise and gain some awareness of the food you eat, there's absolutely no reason why you can't enjoy EVERYTHING you like. Just probably not all in one meal, or all in one day! HAHA
  • The consequence is you being depressed about it, but this is supposed to be a happy experience overall!
    Drink some good water and exercise.. It'll relieve you, and you'll feel better.
    Don't punish yourself.!