First scale and NSV, Sorta...

OK so in a way this is a scale victory and the NSV is not maybe the greatest victory but it means something to me and it is the first thing that has happened to me that made me stop and think about the progress I have made.

To start, I'm a strong believer in the one meal a week cheat/treat meal. I have dieted before and not stuck with it because after a while I just burned out and couldn't stand passing up my favorite restaurants anymore, so this time, right from the start I told myself, it might come off a little slower but I am going to make this a life long change that includes eating out once and a while. I don't just mean eating out though, I still eat out about as often as I did before but I am working hard at making better choices and portion control. When I say eating out in this context I mean eating the way I used to.

So I set a realistic goal for myself that I wanted to have lost 15 pounds in 8 weeks which was today. I had a few bumps in the road, a couple of cheat weekends instead of meals like planned, but over all I stuck with it and never once thought about giving up. I actually reached my 15 pound goal about 3 weeks ago but for some unexplained reason jumped 3 pounds within 2 or 3 days. (yes I am an every day weigher, I know, most people think that's just awful but hey it works for me, I don't obsess over it, I know weight goes up and down and I am just doing it as a way of tracking what food trends create what weight trends, also seeing that I lost 2 tenths of a pound since yesterday motivates me for today). I lost those three pounds again, but then went back up 2 pounds. So with 2 weeks left I was determined to make my goal and I got very strict, increased my exercise (which was pretty much nonexistent before) and low and behold I was down 16 pounds today! :happy:

So pleased with the fact that I had not only hit my 15 pound goal but actually gotten to a full 16 pound (which I just realized means I actually lost the 2 pounds a week that I had myself set up for, cool) and very aware of the fact that due to my strictness I had not had a treat meal in 2, almost 3 weeks, I decided to make tonight it. I went to a favorite Mexican place, ate what I wanted of the chips and salsa, and got a single serving of fajitas (my idea of healthy Mexican food, still trying to not undo all my progress) which I only ate about half of, and then shared a dessert with the two other people with me. I knew I was full, but when I stood up to leave I realized I was stuffed. Like, almost sick stuffed. Probably doesn't sound like much of a victory right? Well, the way I see it, this time two months ago I could have gone in there, eaten everything I did plus some and left feeling full but no where near how I felt. For the first time, my treat meal was more then I could take, I have already conditioned my body such that what was once a normal day in day out meal for me was now making me feel like I had just left a buffet or something.

Now don't get me wrong, I am fully aware that I way over did it tonight and I am suffering for that even now, I will probably weigh in tomorrow only to find I have gained 2 pounds back, and it will probably be a week before I get that back off. But in my suffering I have found strength in the fact that all my hard work over the last 2 months has change something, even if I don't see it in the way I look, or how my pants fit, or even feeling better when I work out, but I know something is changing inside of me and for that I am re motivated for the next two months. :bigsmile:


  • knetterk
    I can gain 3pnds easily in one day..... don't beat yourself up!
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm also astounded by how much I used to eat... and now realise that the sleepiness I was feeling in the afternoons was my body's way of telling me that I had eaten too much. I don't get that any more... except when I treat myself and buy lunch instead of eating what I usually do. I then feel sick all afternoon and regret having that treat.

    It's amazing what we used to put our bodies through EVERY DAY.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Congrats on the progress, great job! I know that feeling and it's wonderful, of going to treat yourself to your favorite meal but realizing suddenly what used to be barely enough is now too much! You can use that as a gauge in the future now as well, you know what you ordered was enough to make you almost sick-full, so next time you go you can get the same thing but ask for a box when you order and pack up half your meal right away for later. Once you finish, you can accurately gauge if you really want the rest now, but chances are with your smaller belly you'll be full on that!
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