On a mission....lose 85 pounds!



  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It is a wonderful site to get you started on your new healthy lifestyle. I also had around 80 pounds to lose. I started using this site around 6 months ago, and by tracking all my food intake and exercising around 4-5 days a week, I have been able to lose around 47.5 pounds thus far....so you can totally do this.
    Couple of tips that have helped me during my journey:
    1) Exercise - 4 to 5 days a week (but do take 1 to 2 days off so your muscles can recover).
    2) In terms of exercise, switch what you do so your body doesn't get used to one exercise all the time.
    3) Keep track of everything you eat.
    4) And do expect couple of bumps along the road....like the dreaded plateau that everyone talks about. But you just have to keep going and work through it and you'll be fine. Good luck and take it one day at a time :-)
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    Good luck !! We're all here cheering you on !!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • AlohaBrook
    Aloha Brooke...

    We share the same fabulous name!!!

    Good luck on your journey.. I too just started and looking forward to changing my life!!
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    Good luck Brooke! I've been a vegetarian for twelve years so if you ever need some quick recipe or restaurant ideas, just give me a shout, I'm happy to help :D

    Thanks for the shout out! I sure could use some ideas on the veggie recipes thanks!!
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey! I read your bio to understand more of what you were talking about. You know, it's sad... but I totally understand how guys only want "healthy"girls. It drives me a little insane sometimes. It has been an issue all of my life. I think it's one of those motivating factors in my own weight loss journey (secretly when I reach my goal I want to turn down guys who would've turned me me down because I was fat).

    I'm sorry about your relationship ending because of your weight. Sucks for him. He obviously wasn't the right person for you! I think if he was a good guy, he would've recognized you needed help and offered to help you out (support, encouragement, etc).

    Annyywhoo... Welcome! I'm excited for your weight loss! I think you're going to do great here. Please feel free to add me if you need a friend :-)

    Hi! It is sad, but it's the truth - one of my best friends who is skinny, and she wears the form fitting clothes that accentuates her slimmness - whenever we go out to the bar or the club the guys try to rush up on her WHILE IM STANDING THERE and try to holla, straight up ignoring me. Happens all the time, I tell you no lie.

    As for the ex, yeh, I have myself to blame also because I was too stubborn to change when he wanted me to- I wasn't ready to commit to a lifestyle change, so I would pretty much be doing it for him. I live by my own terms not his, not anyone else's - at that time, I wasn't even close to where I am now in body weight, that's the ball clencher, so he was just being a jerk off.

    So now, i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and making a change for myself, and give these guys a dose of their own medicine. I'm not the marrying kind, but I like to be wined and dined every now and again hehe.

    Thanks for the encouragement, looking forward to communicating with you!
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It is a wonderful site to get you started on your new healthy lifestyle. I also had around 80 pounds to lose. I started using this site around 6 months ago, and by tracking all my food intake and exercising around 4-5 days a week, I have been able to lose around 47.5 pounds thus far....so you can totally do this.
    Couple of tips that have helped me during my journey:
    1) Exercise - 4 to 5 days a week (but do take 1 to 2 days off so your muscles can recover).
    2) In terms of exercise, switch what you do so your body doesn't get used to one exercise all the time.
    3) Keep track of everything you eat.
    4) And do expect couple of bumps along the road....like the dreaded plateau that everyone talks about. But you just have to keep going and work through it and you'll be fine. Good luck and take it one day at a time :-)

    Thanks for the welcome! and thanks for the advice! congratulations on yoru weight loss success, that is very encouraging :-)
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    Aloha Brooke...

    We share the same fabulous name!!!

    Good luck on your journey.. I too just started and looking forward to changing my life!!

    Awesome!! Thanks for the encouragement, and good luck to you also, looking forward to see both of us succeeding!
  • jazzkat68
    jazzkat68 Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey! I love this site and I have wonderful and supportive Pals!! I have 99 pounds too lose (140 will set my in the 'normal weight range). A long journey, but I will get there! I was at trying 2 pounds a week, but I found myself starving! I switched to 1 pound and I'm doing much better. Of course, I have bad days, I mean BAD days, but its working for me. I just read a great quote on here 'The slower the weight loss, the more permanent it will be'. That is now my motto. Again, good luck on your journey. You seem to have a really good attitude!!! Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Welcome aboard girl!! You will do awesome and achieve all your goals. Keep that bright outlook even when things get rough and you will do fine!
  • lemcmullen
    lemcmullen Posts: 3 Member
    Good Luck! I too have run into the same men problems that you've seen. It's been a little over 5 months and so far I've lost about 60 pounds. So know that it is definitely doable!