bdglass Posts: 12
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
where can I find the calories burned for Insanity and/or P90 under exercise here on MFP? I am trying to add them to my exercise diary and cant find them



  • yeah, i ran into the same problem! ive just not been adding them to the diary. its kind of a bummer.
  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
    Each person will burn caloires differeently based on how hard they work, how often they take breaks, etc. I just started caloire coutning a few weeks agao and I had the same isse. I just purchased a heart rate monitor (HRM) to wear during the P90X/INsanity workouts to get an accurate number for tracking. I found what I think is a good HRM (Polar FT4 with chest strap...based on reviews from this site and others) for $70 with free shipping. It should arrive any day now....
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I just started Insanity myself.

    I've seen people suggest a heart rate monitor. I haven't been logging them - just putting them in my exercise notes (especially since I have had to modify most of the exercises or go really slow!) One day I'll be able to keep up!

  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    As with any food or exercise that is not in the database you can add it.
    Simply go through the regular steps of searching for P90X.
    It will say it's not there, then if you scroll to the bottom of that screen it says "add to database/diary".
    Once you add it, each day when you search it you will be able to find it and it will start appearing towards the top of your frequently added list.
    As far as calories burned, as mentioned below, the most accurate tool is a heart rate monitor. Especially with Beachbody products. With the intensity of the cardio and the variety in programs, your own HRM monitor is going to be the most accurate of any burn data you can get

    In the absence of a hrm to be able to input your calorie burn, I would suggest using "high intensity aerobic" as your exercise, so that it can estimate a calorie burn.
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    I'm a small female (5' 2.5" 133lbs) and I'm pretty fit. I burn between 380 - 480 cals per Insanity work out depending on the DVD for the day. A HRM is the way forward and how I track my cals. Polar FT40 is very good.
  • Thanks will look into it...was just trying to see if there was a "baseline" as there is in everything else. Good luck!
  • TY so much! will give that a try!
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    You can customise your exercise in the, my exercise section on here also this may give you a small guide to go by?
    Max Interval Plyometrics - 60:05 elapsed workout time - 747 calories burned
    - Max Interval Circuit - 49:08 elapsed workout time - 687 calories burned
    - Max Interval Plyometrics - 55:14 elapsed workout time - 725 calories burned
    - Max Interval Circuit plus running - 59:45 elapsed workout time - 849 calories burned
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Thanks will look into it...was just trying to see if there was a "baseline" as there is in everything else. Good luck!

    Like others have said get a heartrate monitor with a chest strap. Make sure you can punch in all your stats,height,weights,age etc...then log in your own exercises. Everyone is different so no one can determin a baseline for you. It's dependent on your weight,age and fitness level. There are also other situations that will affect your calorie expenditure.
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