In Need Of Some New Support

Hi Everyone,

I am in need of some new, fun, positive and supportive friends here on MFP! I am a mother of a handsome two year old son and also a stepmother to two more handsome lil devils ages 11 and 12. I am gonna be 34 this year... yikes lol Anyway, I love to work out and have a weakness for ZUMBAAA! If you are active on MFP send me a friend request if you want. Soo much more fun to log on here when you have great friends to look forward too!

Have a great day!


  • aliceguy
    aliceguy Posts: 128 Member
    hey, here for you champ if you want to add me. I cant do the zumb thing cos with mei t would like an elephant with epilepsy, so I'll stick to cycling and walking for now, but recong the C25K challenge might be coming soon......cheers from Australia
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Sign me up too!
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to add me and on my page there are amazing positive friendly mfp friends together we are doing this journey. the more friends the better. they have given me the strength i have need consistantly. No one can do this alone!
  • nickydp
    nickydp Posts: 29 Member
    Happy for you to add me too. I'm a mum to a nearly 2 year old little girl. Just getting started with my weight loss and fitness. Loving the gym at the moment, hopefully can keep it up. Definitely helps to have all the support you can get. Good luck! :)
  • Added all of you :)