Operation: Sexy Claus Challenge (CLOSED GROUP)



  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Name: Mel
    Where you are from: Central NJ
    Current Weight and Height: 5'6", 165.2
    How much you have lost so far: roughly 25lbs
    Weight Loss Goal: 150
    Current Workout Regimen: anything I can get, honestly. Walking, 30DS (but not consistently), biking.
    Why you joined the challenge: I was in Krys_T's last challenge and it was GREAT motivation for me (thanks again, doll!). So, hopefully this will continue to help as I hit a bit of a slump recently.

    A little about your personal journey.... Well, I take 13 medications daily and have had two invasive surgeries. I will forever have to take steroids and immunosuppressant medications, ALL of which cause tremendous weight GAIN. What most people do not realize about me is that even though I am 21 and losing weight should not be as difficult as if I were older, it is actually so much harder. 3500 calories is not a pound for me. It just doesn't work that way. I am lucky if the scale stays the same, let alone moves down. My body has been poked, prodded and pulled in too many directions that it simply does not behave normally anymore. So, that being said, I could use all the support I can get. :flowerforyou:
  • GeminiMel02
    GeminiMel02 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a late-ish add. Hopefully, I can still get in on this challenge.

    Name: Mel
    Where you are from: born and raised in Northern California, the bay area.
    Current Weight and Height: 236lbs; 6'3"
    How much you have lost so far: 130 lbs
    Weight Loss Goal: 175-190
    Current Workout Regimen: coaching basketball 5 days a week, strength training 4 times a week, walking/cycling every day.
    Why you joined the challenge: There's nothing like a challenge to further inspire you and help push and propel you towards your goals. I also think it's great to work with a group of people towards a common goal. Sometimes I just need a kick in the seat of the pants and this might just be it. :)

    A little about your personal journey....I've always struggled with my weight and can't think of a time that I haven't been considered obese or at least borderline obese. However, I started this journey at 360+ lbs in 2008. I got tired of always being tired and scared to death of being on a million and one pills (like many of my family members) to regulate blood pressure, diabetes, etc. One night, my heart was working so hard that it hurt and that was enough for me to try and get my act together. I play around with my eating habits a lot so, I've had brief affairs with the Zone diet and lately I've been concentrating on having a paleo diet at least 65% of the time. I recently just finished a Paleo challenge with a coworker where we ate Paleo for 30 days straight. I'm really passionate about health and fitness - i love biking and love Crossfit and lifting heavy things. Last year I completed my very first HILLY 10K and it was one of the best feelings in the world.

    Besides getting out of the 200s, I really want to be healthy and wear anything I want without being self conscious (and having the ability to find the things i like in my size).

    My ultimate strength goal is to be able to do Pull ups. This became my goal for two reasons 1)I think they're cool :) and 2) everyone's always telling me that it's a nearly impossible goal.

    Can't wait to get started and to meet everyone. Don't be shy; I love chatting with people about their stories, their goals, struggles and triumphs!
  • nicole00lynn
    Name: Nicole
    Where you are from: Just moved to Council Bluffs, IA... Originally from Philadelphia
    Current Weight and Height: my scale is broken but ill go with my last weight in - 5'6, 176, will be updating ASAP!!!
    How much you have lost so far: 16 on mfp, 8 before so 24 pounds
    Weight Loss Goal: 12-15 more pounds
    Current Workout Regimen: a mix of Beachbody progams, i love anything with Chalene, and i despise Jillian (sorry)
    Why you joined the challenge: I have been stalled this summer, I need some motivation to keep moving forwarddd

    I started losing weight in January of this past year.. not really a new years resolution just tired of being uncomfortable. I was doing wonderful until my 21st birthday and several vacations got in the way this summer :))) I dont mind the setback though, Im ready to get back on track and lose the last 12-15 by Christmas!
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    Name: Caitlin
    Where you are from: Springfield, IL
    Current Weight and Height: 188lbs and 5'7''
    Weight Loss Goal: 40 lbs, shooting for GW of 140-145lbs.... pre college weight!
    Current Workout Regimen: Personal Train 2 x/ week, avid bike rider with my dogs (and sometimes the boy!) working on training for 5k with c25k program, beach volleyball league
    Why you joined the challenge: Motivation! Thought it was a great idea and will help me stay on track :-)
  • alice0711
    alice0711 Posts: 99 Member
    Hey, lovely ladies

    Name: Alice

    Where you are from: London, England

    Currently Weight and height: 222pound - 5'5

    How much you have lost so far: before joined MPF, i was weight on 252pound so i have lost 13pound on late june and joined MPF on late july about 17pound loss so far

    Weight Loss Goal: 160 to 140 (by summer 2012)

    Current Workout Regimen: Walking everyday to university and get home from university about 20min or more. Home workout like sit-up, leg and love handles execrise and toned arm by dumbell. Sometime go gym when i get time. im planning to go swimming during first semester break on December

    Why you joined the challenge: i need more motivation and share our joureny to help myself can manage my eating and execrise plan without failing. i had been worked hard to loss for 2 month and half so i would like to read their inpiration success story.

    About little journey: i always be heavy girl when i was in school, bigger than my friends. i was accept how big am i because in school, i used to be poplaur. All my friends always called me mama because my looks. sometime it hurts after i leave school. i was carry to eat takeaway and rare execrise. my weight bolloned up. Last April, i obeyed my aunt to lose 2 stone for my birthday which i was failed and lose track. One things i had decided i shall become serious after i come home from hoilday with friends, i was upset terrible when i saw the photo of me and my friends. i started join this site and had loss some pounds, im happy with this results. my planning to be under 200pound by december

    Looking Forward to journey with you all xx :tongue: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • stace0308
    stace0308 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello there,

    My name is Stacey
    I'm a born & raised in " Texas girl "
    Height 5' 7" & current weight "choke...swallow hard", 189.8
    16.2 lb.s lost so far
    My goal is 145
    Current work out regimen is: walking, running, P90X, tennis, & weights
    I joined this challenge because I'm getting more involved & trying to find better ways to stay motivated. I've noticed several of these challenges being posted but I never really had the courage to join in. This is my first, so wish me luck :0)
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Name: Jennifer
    Where you are from: Surrey, BC, Canada
    Current Weight and Height: 5'6 158.8lbs
    How much you have lost so far: 6lbs
    Weight Loss Goal: 125 - 130
    Current Workout Regimen: P90X, Dancing with the Stars DVD, Carmen Electra Striptease Aerobics
    Why you joined the challenge: I need to feel good about myself again. I want to wear clothes and not pull at them and fidget because I don't feel comfortable. I have been part of Krys' last 2 challenges but this time I have come to give it my all and lose the jiggle once and for all!!!

    A little about your personal journey.... So I was super skinny in school, like grossly skinny. I was 100 lbs in 1999 when I graduated. I have seen pics since and it was really disgusting. Anyway my metabolism was insanely high and I could eat anything I wanted and not gain weight. So I did. 6 years after graduating I was up to 110lbs, but still unhealthy and pretty skinny and then I found a desk job and everything changed. I gained about 50lbs over the next 3-4 years just because I never changed my eating habits. I still ate fast food (a lot) and chips, cookies, ice cream, chocolate bars, soda, etc, etc, etc. So now I have come to a point in my life where I don't want to be overweight and mostly I don't want to be unhealthy. I just got married last summer and my husband and I plan on having kids and I definitely want to be healthy for them. Also my mother has many weight-related illnesses and I don't want to deal with all the things she is dealing with now. Plus who doesn't want to look good in a bikini.:laugh:
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    How do we get the cute logo on our signature??
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Hi, I'm Jessica K.

    I live in New York City (Queens).

    I currently weigh 210 lbs and I'm 5'6".

    So far I've lost 234 lbs. I'd like to lose another 50-60 lbs.

    I'm a dedicated gym rat. I go to the gym 6 days a week (usually take Sundays off). I generally do 85 minutes of cardio (50/35 min on two different cardo machines like treadmill & elliptical). I then do 30 to 60 minutes of some sort of strength training. It may be a free weights routine, butt & balance routine, yoga class, body pump class, etc. - it varies every day. I don't necessarily recommend this sort of routine for anyone, its just that i was so heavy and inactive for so long, I truly enjoy working out.

    If you check my profile you'll see that I had a lot of health problems that prompted my quest for a healthier life. I actually got to my initial goal weight of 170lbs and then promptly fell apart. So at this point I'm going to re-join Weight Watchers and re-visit the strategies I used in the past to get back to the healthy lifestyle I was really doing well on. I'm thankful that I haven't stopped working out but its frustrating to work as hard as I do and not see any changes in my weight because I'm eating like crap. So I need to pull it together, finish this once and for all or accept that this is where I'm going to for a while until I'm "ready" again. I don't want to stop working towards the goal but I also don't want to drive myself crazy over it.

    Hopefully we can encourage each other and make some healthy choices/changes.

    Good luck to all challenge teammates!

    I'm joining the group to get a little extra motivation/support since I've really been struggling lately.
  • _Splenda_
    _Splenda_ Posts: 22 Member
    Name: Dani
    Where you are from: New Jersey
    Current Weight and Height: 5'4 135 as of 09/13/2011
    How much you have lost so far: 43 lbs GONE!! :)
    Weight Loss Goal: UGW 125-128
    Current Workout Regimen: 30DS, Running on treadmill, healthy eating :)
    Why you joined the challenge: This is my first challenge & i thought why not?!? it would push me to achieve my goal and who knows possibly SURPASS it!! :)

    A little about your personal journey....

    I got to my heaviest weight of 178 by eating, not working out, and becoming TOO comfortable in my long term relationship. In August 2010 i was diagnosed with a enlarged liver due to my poor eating habits & lack of physical activity. September 3, 2010 marked day one a the rest of my life. i decided to take control of my health & weight problems. So here i am over 1 year later 43 pounds less and COUNTING! :)
  • ReggaeNurse
    Hey ladies, I'm so excited to be apart of this challenge! With all of you in my corner, this Christmas will be the sexiest ever! Well, here's a little about me:

    Name: Latoya (ReggaeNurse)

    Where you are from: born in Jamaica, grew up in Jersey, and will soon be headed to Florida for the winter

    Current Weight and Height: 216lbs and 5'4"....highest weight 245.

    How much you have lost so far: 25lbs lost since joining MFP, however I've found too much comfort in my loss, mixed with emotional eating (and I'm not even close to my goal) and have decided to "restart" my journey towards the next 25....and continue in increments until I hit my overall goal of 100lbs lost. I soooo need to get over this self-sabotaging behavior, and realize that I can be healthy. 

    Weight Loss Goal: 20lbs for this challenge, and 100lbs overall

    Current Workout Regimen: 30 Day Shred (starting today), Zumba, Turbo Jam, and Nike Training Club...as you can see, I like variety. When I do make the time to workout (something that has to improve!), I like to mix it up to avoid getting bored. In addition, with now starting 30DS, I'm gonna add 30 mins of an additional activity at least 3 days a week. Overall, my goal is to be active 5 days a week for 30 mins, minimum.

    Why you joined the challenge: I joined this challenge as a way to get out of this funk and comfort zone that I've been in all summer. I need to get my butt moving again, and my initial loss was largely attributed to challenges. In addition, being in a challenge is motivating, and helps me to encourage others, while they also encourage me. And of course, I wanna be super sexy in time for Christmas! 

    A little about your personal journey....: well, I don't wanna overwhelm you all with too much writing, but I've been heavy ever since the third grade, and over time, it has only gotten worst. My breaking point was turning 30 this year....I decided that I no longer wanted to spend another year as a fat girl. And it wasn't only about being "fat"...I was tired of being unhealthy, self-conscience, and turning to food as a coping mechanism. I wanted to turn my life and health around, and regain my sense of self and my confidence. And like many of you, I've tried dieting and other other gimmicks in the past, without any lasting success. However, joining MFP has changed that. I've found some of the most supportive people on here!! In addition, I've finally learned that healthy (and sexy) living isn't just a diet, it's a lifestyle and a state of mind. 

    This journey has been a roller-coaster full of excitement, success, emotional eating, improved fitness, self sabotage, but above all else, countless life lessons. Never before have I been so in tuned with my body, or seriously wanted to change for the better (or even believed that I could do it). Even with only losing 25lbs so far, I already feel like a different person, and there's no way I'm going back. I'm very motivated to hit my goal, and regardless of my obstacles, I know that I will get it done! So, thank you for sharing this journey with me, and I'll do my part to support you all as well! 

    Here's to a happy and sexy holiday season...happy losing to you all! We got this!!! 
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I love hearing about all of your guys' journeys....so inspiring and relateable.
  • Chynadoll00
    Name: Michele
    Where you are from: Maryland
    Current Weight and Height: 187 5'4
    How much you have lost so far: 23 lbs
    Weight Loss Goal: My Biggest Dream is to be 145- 150
    Current Workout Regimen: Jillian 30 Day Shred … Treadmill and Elliptical
    Why you joined the challenge: Because I feel I have sabotaged myself ….and I need the support to KNOW that I WILL BREAK this bad streak and lose 20 lbs!!

    A little about your personal journey:

    I have always struggled with my weight never weighed less than 190 and have gone as high as 255 lbs I did a lot of "yo-yo" dieting !! So in January 2011 I proclaimed that I will get to 145-150 even 140!!! Slowly but surely however right now I've just stopped at 187 so angry that not even 2 wks ago I was as low as 181 and as crazy as this may sound it's as if something clicked wrong in my brain and I am eating things that I know A. I don't really want and B.I'm FULLLL!! I need to break the 180's!!!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello Sexy Clauses!

    Name: ..................................................Amy
    Where you are from: ..........................Western New York State
    Current Weight and Height: .............196#'s 5'8"
    How much you have lost so far:.......16#'s
    Weight Loss Goal: .............................aiming for 145 (ish)
    Current Workout Regimen: ..............powerwalking, walk/jog intervals, 30 Day Shred, just re-joined the YMCA
    Why you joined the challenge: ........ I need the accountability. Challenges movtivate me & keep me on track. I love being part of a group with a common goal.

    A little about your personal journey:

    A bit chubby starting in 5th grade. High school I was around 150... college around 160... then graduated & hit all time "freak out weight" of 178. Then I had 3 kids in 4 years. Lost the weight after 1&2, but I've bounced between 215-175 for the past 5 years. I want to break thru that 175 wall & keep on going!!

    Ahhh, planning my outfit for Christmas now! :) .
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Bumping for later
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Name: Jacki
    Where you are from: Washington
    Current Weight and Height: 5'6", 170 pounds
    How much you have lost so far: about 20 pounds
    Weight Loss Goal: 140
    Current Workout Regimen: Just started Turbofire, Iike the elliptical at the gym also
    Why you joined the challenge: It helps me stay focused

    A little about your personal journey....

    I have been yo-yoing with my weight the past 8 years or so. I stayed fit through my 20's even after I had my kids by using exercise videos. I have gone up and down 3 times with my wieght since I was about 32. I'm sick of it and want to take it off and keep it off for good. Plus I'm not getting any younger!:happy:
  • razzmahtazz
    razzmahtazz Posts: 78 Member
    "Bringing the Sexy to 2012"----LOVE IT!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Name: Jessica
    Where you are from: Currently in Maryland
    Current Weight and Height: 5'5", 170.6 pounds
    How much you have lost so far: 29 pounds
    Weight Loss Goal: 135 to 145 pounds
    Current Workout Regimen: P90X, Insanity, and 30Day Shred on days I don't have a ton of time
    Why you joined the challenge: I love working on goals with people who have goals similar to mine. My hubby has reached his goal weight, so I need to find new ways to motivate myself.

    I am very excited to join a Krys_T challenge! :smile:

    Jessica, we have very similar stats and goal weight!:happy:
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hello Sexy Claus Ladies!

    *My name is Christina
    *I'm from Ottawa, Ontario CANADA
    *Current weight & height: Last time I checked (Monday) I was 191. But TOM is lurking around... so we'll see on Monday. 5' 9".
    *Weight loss so far: 42 lbs. Still have a hard time seeing it, it's a mental game for me.
    *Goal Weight: 165, If I can. Just want to get into the healthy range!
    *Current Workout Regimen: I make sure I work out 5 to 6 days a week. I love my workout dvd's: P90X, Walk Away the Pounds, The Firm, Jillian Michaels. I also like to walk.
    *Why this Challenge: Because I was lucky enough to stumble onto Krystle's Snowflake challenge at the beggining of the year and it has kept me focused. I seemed to lose focus in the summer, while I was on a nasty plateau... but am refocused. Accountability is a big factor to me, and sharing my journey with others really helps.
    *A little about my journey: I have always been the tall and fat one... and I hate it. I found this site many years ago when I was looking for calorie counts for a patient of mine, to help him with his diet. Got on here a couple times myself but never really "worked it". Last year I tried to convince my doc that I needed to have Gastric Bypass. He would not put my name forward. I was mad and my husband challenged me to lose weight. I got back on here to prove to both of them that I could not lose weight!!!! Turned out I can! Exercise is still not my favourite thing to do but I have learned it is a non- negotiable for me. And so I do it because I am happy knowing that I can still shake what my Momma gave me! :laugh:

    Let's do this!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Name: Mocha Blues

    Where you are from: Chicago (by way of Minneapolis)

    Current Weight and Height: Well all my gov't issued ID's say I'm 5'4" ...(probably closer to 5' 2 and 3/4") Weight 183lbs

    How much you have lost so far: 13lbs

    Weight Loss Goal: 135 for now...we'll see when I get there....

    Current Workout Regimen: right now I'm doing 30 day shred, with a rare mix of Zumba every now and then

    Why you joined the challenge: I find I need accountability

    A little about your personal journey....I've always been on a yo-yo cycle throughout my life, however once I met and married my husband, I gained the typical "I'm happily married now weight" ...well then we installed a full length mirror in our foyer, and there's something about being forced to really look at whole self that just didn't sit well with me. I was in straight denial about how big I was, and decided I needed to get serious once again. So here I am.