Just starting and struggling to eat all my calories- help!

amylauren0511 Posts: 6
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
hey guys,
I'm just starting on my road to losing all my baby weight! I've always been reasonably active and although never 'happy' with my weight I was satisfied. Anywho 10 months ago I gave birth to a 10lb 5oz baby girl and my body is wrecked!!! After a very difficult pregnancy and then very hard first few months with a poorly baby I must admit Food was my definite go to for a little comfort. Previous to pregnancy I had always had a very healthy diet and only the odd treat here and there. Well the 'treats' soon became my staple diet!! I'm now a good 3 dress sizes bigger than I ought to be and quite a few stone heavier!
So that's why I'm here!!
And now for the questions!! I am seriously struggling to eat the 1200 calories I need to on a daily basis. I am eating constantly but everyday I still seem to be lacking. Am figuring my body is in the dreaded 'starvation mode' as although I am losing inches, I'm not losing any weight. Any tips as to what I could be eating to boost my calorie intake? I eat alot of salad, veg, good carbs and as much protein I can manage (not a big meat eater). Between meals I tend to fill up on fruit as I snack with my ten month old.
I'm doing on average a 4-6 mile walk a day (to get baby to sleep!) and I swim/ go to the gym/ do wii fit twice a week. All of this eats away at my calories and my MFP iPhone app is telling me I need to eat even more!!! Am I ok to stick to 1200 and nit eat the added calories through what I've supposedly burned? So confused!! 
If any one can offer some help I'd be very grateful! And feel free to add me as a friend as support is always welcome!!
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long probably bit tedious post!! 


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    eat more calorically dense foods; olive oil, peanut butter, nuts, pasta etc
  • KnightsGal76
    KnightsGal76 Posts: 69 Member
    nuts are a good source of healthy fat, and higher in calories. try some 2% milk instead of skim, or go for the full fat versions of foods instead of the fat free.
  • Definitely don't go under 1200 calories!

    Try greek yogurt for protein, nuts, avacado, olive oil, wheat pasta, dried fruit...
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    I will admit. I do not eat back my exercise calories and I lose weight just fine. However, you should make sure that you are eating your full 1200 and that you are filling those calories up with healthy foods. I find that when I only eat 1200 cals one day, but fill them with chicken, veggies, fruits, oatmeal, and nuts and then I only eat 1200 cals another day, but fill it with processed crap there is a big difference!! If you need extra calories nuts are a great go to!! They contain a ton of calories but they are really good for you. Try having a serving of nuts a day or put them in with your salad. There are always little extra ways to add calories without really thinking about it. Not being a meat eater is going to be a hard thing to consume a ton of cals, but you could maybe add extra fruits, or snack on some oatmeal (really good for you and so yummy!). Just keep going! Inches are better than pounds anyways. Your body is replacing the fat with muscle. Thats exactly what you want!! Keep up the great work and if you want to add me...feel free! :)
  • lb7970
    lb7970 Posts: 79 Member
    Since you're not a big meat eater try to add more nuts - almonds are a great choice, low-fat cottage cheese, string cheese, natural peanut butter or almond butter. Also try making smoothies with protein powder added. One of my favorites is 1 cup almond milk, 1 medium banana, 2 TBSP Natural Peanut Butter, Sugar free chocolate syrup, a scoop of protein powder and 4-5 ice cubes, put in a blender and enjoy!

    That is a big debate here on MFP whether or not to eat back your exercise calories or not. I eat back most of mine careful not to go over. I try to listen to what my body is telling me, when I am exercising hard and doing weight it tells me to eat. If I'm not working it all that hard I eat back less of my exercise calories but it's important to always stay above the 1200 no matter what. That will put you into starvation mode for sure. I'll send you a friend request.
  • I am struggling with this as well. I can not seem to eat all my calories. My weight is at a stand still and i have been doing this now for 3 weeks. What am i doing wrong? HELP!!!!!!
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi Amylauren,

    Welcome to MFP, I am like you in that I have found it very difficult to eat 1200 calories, I was seeing a dietitian and she finally told me I had to start having a protein shake to help get my calorie intake up. She told me protein is best because it helps to build muscle which in turn helps to lose weight. The protein shakes she put me onto were originally only give by a doctor and was the only one she would advise I use and they are called Optifast, Optifast has 3 different flavours but I mainly use the vanilla and I often put it in a blender with some yogurt and banana.

    good luck
  • Thanks all! Am off to get me some nuts and peanut butter tomorrow for sure. Had been considering protein shakes so will speak to my doc about what she'd recommend. Am now making it a mission to get that calorie intake up. Think I've been using too much 'low fat' option stuff so will try and kick that a bit too!
    Thanks so much for help!!
  • Hi, I'm taking a class with Author and Doctor, Dr. Kay Judge durring class last night someone asked that same question. I was surprised to hear it since I struggle to stay at 1200 calories. She said the goal is not to workout so that you could eat more but rather to consume 1200 calories per day to fuel you body for a 60 minute workout everyday.

    It sounds like you are right on target and doing great!
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks all! Am off to get me some nuts and peanut butter tomorrow for sure. Had been considering protein shakes so will speak to my doc about what she'd recommend. Am now making it a mission to get that calorie intake up. Think I've been using too much 'low fat' option stuff so will try and kick that a bit too!
    Thanks so much for help!!

    Don't forget a lot of " low fat " options also have a lot of sugar so keep an eye on that
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