Eggs & Cholesterol....UGH!!



  • Peque1130deleted
    Egg beaters.

    ^^This, they're just like eggs only better!

    Actually, they aren't. They are egg whites with food coloring.

    Egg whites don't have near the nutrients that egg yolks have - so you are missing out on a ton of Omega 3's, vitamins and minerals.

    They are high in cholesterol however. This is an everything in moderation thing - use 1 whole egg and a few egg whites for bulk - best of all the worlds. I'd just separate my own egg whites vs. egg beaters just because it's cheaper.

    Here's a linky:

    Hmm, can't find the one I want comparing egg yolk to egg white.......but trust me all the vitamins are in the yolk. I'll keep looking.

    Thanks twin! :wink:

    Thanks everyone!!! I guess I will keep eating my eggs! Yummy, yummy in the tummy!!! :laugh:
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Egg beaters.

    ^^This, they're just like eggs only better!

    Actually, they aren't. They are egg whites with food coloring.

    Egg whites don't have near the nutrients that egg yolks have - so you are missing out on a ton of Omega 3's, vitamins and minerals.

    They are high in cholesterol however. This is an everything in moderation thing - use 1 whole egg and a few egg whites for bulk - best of all the worlds. I'd just separate my own egg whites vs. egg beaters just because it's cheaper.

    Here's a linky:

    Hmm, can't find the one I want comparing egg yolk to egg white.......but trust me all the vitamins are in the yolk. I'll keep looking.

    Yes! This ^ I just read this in a nutrition magazine yesterday, the yolk also contains a lot more protein than the whites!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Here is what you should do: cook your eggs so the white is fully cooked, but the yolk is still fragile and runny, but warm. Cut around the yolk very carefully so it doesn't break with your favorite eating utensil. Eat only the white at this point. Next, very carefully lift the fragile yolk with your spoon, you don't want to break and spill yolk all over your plate, then, quickly pop it in your mouth and splatter it with your jaws like a ravenous beast. Nom nom nom. Egg yolks are good for you. Eat them like a boss and ignore the latest 'bad for you' fads on tv coming from people who want to sell you high fructose corn syrup laden 9th grade science projects passed of as 'food'.
  • Peque1130deleted
    Next, very carefully lift the fragile yolk with your spoon, you don't want to break and spill yolk all over your plate, then, quickly pop it in your mouth and splatter it with your jaws like a ravenous beast. Nom nom nom.

    LMAO!!!! Nom nom nom I will!!! :laugh: